Pink eye!

I think each time I've gotten it it has been from a grocery cart. The last time it took two antibiotics to clear it up, and I had it in both eyes. The second antibiotic ran for a week, a single drop in each eye each day and it cost $75. Yep, people about $5/drop!!!!!!

I hate pink eye, but at least my kids haven't gotten since they were very small.
got back from the doctors... got anibiotic drops... and nmy daughter woke up with a sore throat and coughing so she is also on an oral antibiotic and they changed her asthma med.
Itchy, itchy, scratchy, scratchy!!!!!!
You forgot goopy, goopy, icky, ikcy.


On the plus side, pink eye gets better fast. I'm still pinkish, but I can see and there is no longer ooky stuff coming out.

Hopefully all of y'all are better too!
I have had pink eye once in my life ( I think ) when I was about 13.
I had stayed home because of a bad allergy attack. My right eye was very itchy, and I kept itching at it and picking goop out of it. My eye would water, but it would not be tears.
I decided to look in the mirror, and to my horror, my bottom eyelid was puffed up to the point were I could not close my eye anymore! I pulled the lid down a bit and saw that the tissue there was swollen and filled with pus.
It freaked me out, but quickly went away in about an hour...

It sounds like pinkeye, but nobody else in my family got it, and I never went to the doctor. Might have been an allergic reaction to something, like a pollen or dander.

I hope you feel better soon. It may be icky, but consider yourself lucky! I have had a bad intestinal bug for about 3 days, now I am starting to recover and can finally start to eat normally/not get horrible cramps/not have to poo every hour...
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Yup that's allergies. I get that all the time. I find that a cold, wet paper towel or washcloth helps. I thought pink eye was from poo particles? Now I'm gonna have to do some research. And to the swimmer getting it- I advise goggles if you don't have them.

**Edited to say
that Apparently there are 2 kinds of pink eye- viral and bacterial and neither one of those said caused by poo. I always heard that's what it was from though- fecal particles that enter the eye.
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