Piperazine 52 Dosage (powder)


8 Years
Sep 17, 2012
Vancouver island
Wondering if anyone knows the breakdown dosage for Piperazine 52 powder.

This is what the container says:

Chickens and turkeys (water mixing): Remove regular source of water the night before treatment. Supply only medicated water during treatment period. To prevent reinfestation, clean all pens and equipment after treatment. Prepare medicated water by adding 400 g (1 pouch) of powder to 320 L of water or 1 kg of powder to 800 L of water. Give medicated water to birds in the morning. Return to regular water supply after treatment (usually 4 to 8 hours).

I saw roundworms in two separate droppings yesterday and have this on hand. I know there are other products that will kill of a number of other parasites as well but this is what I plan to use for now. :)

Hoping that someone has used it on a smaller flock and can give me a like tsp to gallon or litre ratio.

Thank you!
Do you have a gram scale? If not, count out the number of tablespoons in the package and I'll figure it out.

Hmm don't think I have a scale but hadn't thought of figuring out the tbsp's very smart :)

Perhaps that's how I figured it out last time... This time I'll write it on the jar haha!

Will have to check when I get home. Yes I posted from work...:rolleyes:
Well now that you got me thinking that way I read the info on dosing all animals and under the swine area it noted that 1 tsp = 4g soooo if I'm calculating this correctly it should be 100tsp to 320L of water and therefore 1 tsp to each 3.2L of water correct?
That sounds about right.


Perfect thank you! The only other thing Im not sure about is whether to do a follow up dose. The packaging and company website do not mention any but I would think that you would want to dose twice to interrupt the life cycle...would that be the case? An if so, how long between doses?
That sounds about right.


Perfect thank you! The only other thing Im not sure about is whether to do a follow up dose. The packaging and company website do not mention any but I would think that you would want to dose twice to interrupt the life cycle...would that be the case? An if so, how long between doses?

I think you're supposed to. One book I have says to repeat in three weeks.

It says this:

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They are not going to be happy about being locked inside for a day but with the flooding we've been having I don't think they have been using the waterers at all.

Oh well! Thanks again :)
Good Morning

The dose for backyard chickens is one teaspoon 4 grams to 3.2 liters of water. Take water way the night before and then give them the treated water in the morning,, leave for up to eight hours and then remove. I just did my chickens two days ago. I was chatting with a vet from the company as it does not say anywhere on the package that eggs have to be held back. He told me that although the amount of product showing up in eggs is a very low dose he recommended not to sell the eggs for seventeen days although he did say it would be safe to use them at home. Just a precautionary measure. I am giving my eggs for the next seventeen days to a friend that will feed them to her pig. Hope this was helpful

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