Pipped externally, but not internally, needs help!


Longfeather Lane
13 Years
Jun 10, 2010
A little background: Almost 6 weeks ago now I received a dozen eggs from a friend from her 'mixed coop' of ducks (and geese). A week later she brought me another dozen. She brought me the eggs because she was unable to hatch them in her incubator and wanted to be sure that it was her incubator and not her ducks. The storage on these eggs was a disaster- she tossed them into a bowl any which way in a room kept at very high temps because she was using the whole room as a brooding box. So these poor eggs came to me filthy, with dislocated air sacks and the first dozen had been sitting in the bowl for I-don't-know-how-long. Of the first dozen, only 4 started to grow. Two hatched on time and are cute little Rouen/Pekin mixes, one died in the shell before pipping, and one hatched a week later as a little Muscovy mix. Of the second dozen, 9 began to grow, 4 hatched out (3 rouen mix, 1 runner mix) on time, 1 hatched three days late, 1 drowned in the shell after shoving its bill through the egg in such a small hole it couldn't get its nostrils out or open its beak to breathe. The other three are sitting on the turner- I've clocked movement in 2 and I'm uncertain about the third, though leaning towards dead.

Of the two remaining that I have hope for, one of them decided late last night to pip externally 6 days 'early' if it is going to be like the muscovy that hatched, or 3 days late if it's one of the other sorts. I was going to lock them down with my peacock eggs on friday. I was candling when I noticed the pip, and saw something weird going on with the air cell- no beak, no movement. Of course this is one of the eggs with the air cell located in a strange place, and the other two eggs with sideways air cells were unable to pip properly, so I was VERY concerned. I cracked the pip a tiny bit more to find out what was going on, and discovered that the egg had not pipped internally yet. There was no torn membrane, and no beak (and I can't see a beak under the membrane, which still concerns me).

And then it squeaked at me. From under the membrane.

I wet the drying membrane with a q-tip (I keep various supplies near the incubator) and set it back in the incubator while I went to get a warm, wet paper towel. I wrapped it up without covering the pip, and left it overnight. I checked again this morning to replace the towel, it it is still peeping at me but no internal pip.

I've not yet encountered this situation, and I need to know if there's anything more I should be doing aside from keeping it from shrink wrapping as best as I can.
Is the chick too big for the egg? Sounds like it maybe can't get it's head around. I'm confused though... I thought they couldn't cheep til they breathed?
The chick is not overgrown, as far as I can tell- there was space at the bottom of the shell when I candled. I can't see a bill at all, and the pip was literally on the border of the air cell where it meets the dark part. I suspect it's bill is dark amongst dark feathers (especially since I suspect it has muscovy blood and the other one like this from this group has a black bill), and that the bill is up against the membrane... I don't know how it cheeped, but it sure did, I was holding it when it did it.

edit: I went to check on it just now, and it cheeped again... so I looked where I heard the cheep. It has pipped a pin-hole sized hold in the membrane, and gotten a bubble UNDER the membrane it was breathing in, nowhere near the external pip. I peeled a little membrane away from the beak so it wouldn't drown on accident, and put it back with the towel.
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Wow, I wish I could give you some useful advise. Please keep us posted.
I think it will probably be ok, I'm going to leave it in the shell for at least another day or two before I actually try to do anything with it. The inner membrane is still loose, moist and veined, and the duckling is breathing and occasionally cheeps, and it's not distressed.
Don't know anything about ducks, but if they are like chickens, my chicks peep at me all the time before they actually peep. Once the veins are gone, if he still hasn't come out I would open him up. I let one of my chicks go and waited to long and he died in his shell. I was so upset.
I have had this to happen with chicken hatching eggs and after about a day I end up cracking the top of the egg to give it a better chance at getting out itself. If it doesn't hatch within about 12 hours from that I go ahead and help it out of the shell. It can be nerve racking but I have been 100% successful in helping and they have turned out to be healthy, strong chicks. Hope that helps, but it sounds like you have done everything right so far! I cant wait to see what happens!
Oh yes, my chickens peep at me before they pip externally... this one just pipped on the outside before it pipped on the inside! It somehow managed to break the shell without going through the membrane, which threw me off.
I went to go check on him a few minutes ago and noticed there was blood on the paper towel that is around the egg. I got him out and took a look... Looks like he scratched a vein with the foot that's over his head.

Also, the inner membrane looks like it's taken a split into two membranes *boggle* It's got a thin, cream-colored outer membrane (and no, it's NOT the outer membrane attached to the egg shell, I'm talking 3 membranes here) and then what looks like brown, old-blood slime underneath that is sort of like brown jelly
For now, it's not sticking to the duckling, but I wet it down and put it back.

I hate waiting!
And I especially hate waiting when I'm SO uncertain for the little guy to survive

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