pipped on side and bleeding

In the hatcher I have 12 SS Hamburgs and 2 serama mutts.

In the incubator I have 4 serama mutts.

In a carton on the desk I have 5 SS Hamburg, 3 serama mutt, and 2 EE eggs awaiting the bator tomorrow. I will add whatever they lay today to that

Now if my pure Serama would start laying, I would be a truly happy chicken addict. Wouldn't hurt if the brahmas, orps, and RIR would start laying either
We need light.
Yeah, and I keep telling myself that is enough ... but I have to admit that I am tempted to "rescue" some EEs and SS Hamburgs from the fridge
But they have also been washed and some have been in there for 4-6 weeks ... probably would be a waste, so I shall refrain ... maybe.
Still no change on the bleeding egg (it isn't still bleeding ... blood was dried when I first saw it), but when I checked the hatcher (I am OCD about the temp and hum and check it about every 30 minutes, lol) I could hear peeping in there! It was so cool! I can't wait until the little fluffers come out.
Just relax. I have a hatch today too. 8 of 100 quail are out.

Why haven't the rest hatched? Did I do something wrong?
Why are they peeping. Oh Gawd!!!!

Just kidding.

I had another pip ... this is exciting, but tough to wait! I wish they had little timers on them "I will hatch in 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... 1"

Oh well
No pics yet, but one chick made it out at 5:45 this morning
... all the noise he was making woke me up, lol. I have another who is almost completely zipped and several more that have pipped (ALL on the side). The one that bled has not done anything more yet. I am hoping he is just slow and didn't bleed to death.

I think next time I will hatch outside the egg cartons though. I could be wrong, but it seemed like the egg carton got in the way and made it more difficult for the chick to escape once he had completely zipped and broken the membrane. Maybe they always have that much trouble? This is my very first chick and it just seemed like she had an awful time getting out. Poor wee thing is still exhausted!


And thanks for all your help. You guys are awesome to take the time to help those of us who know not what we do
I have had 2 more hatch! One started well after the other, but still hatched first. I brought the humidity up to 70% though because those two seemed to be sticking to the membrane at 60%. I need a sponge, I think. 60% is with all the reservoirs full ... I had to get the empty shells in the egg carton wet to bring up the hum.

Still no pics because my windows are two cloudy to get the camera to focus so I won't be able to get pics until the hatch is done and I can open the bator

I really need new windows ... I hate not being to see very well.

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