Pipping on the bottom of egg

Thanks...poor little guy had squishy belly :( he had pipped his shell open three days early..I had a feeling something wasn't right...I wonder if the bottom pip he made was a clue?
if they pip the bottom of the shell, they don't get a whole day to rest and breath in the air cell before taking another whole day to hatch and get used to our air. poor lil' chicky
I found a very helpful article on here about malpositioned chicks. It was very helpful...I would have lost my only Penedesenca chick without it! She pipped at the bottom, but is doing great now!
In september I started with 9eggs all of them hatched but 6 of them were wrong positioned whom I helped hatching out.
I assume that you might also have mispositioned chick in egg as he has not pipped through the right end . Its is very crucial to keep a clise eye on him . The reason is that normally chick pip through the broader part of the egg where there is sac abd the chick makes an internal pip into the air sac and then start external pip.
The chick who internal pip through the wrong end do not have way to intale oxygen as there is not air sac so when thet make external pip through the wrong egg , I normally make the hole a bit bigger until I am confident that the chick beak could be seen . By doing this the chick has more chances to get more oxygen . After about 12 hours , if the chick does not make further progress with cracking the egv, I then make the hole bigger and bigger and wait until the chick manages to cone out himself. With my firt incubation as said 6 were wrong positioned so I did the same as mentioned above and saved all of my chicken. They are 2months old now . Please do not hesitate to ccontact if any further help needed

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