PITY PARTY...EVERYONE INVITED..Tell your sob stories !

The only reason I do not want to have back surgery is ,Heck I'm young and plan on having a career in breaking horses or working on a ranch in the near future.

With horses you are GOING TO HIT THE DIRT AT SOME POINT.Things happen and they are big animals.Iv fallen off countless times and never really got hurt.I talked to my doctor and he is concerned about me falling off a horse with the rods.I really don't want to fall in the future and possibly be paralyzed.But this surgery inst something I can just put off.

Thanks, pamperedpoultry & unionwirewoman
i have a good one!

i never knew my father...i met him once as a teenager and we didnt really hit it off at all..he thought i was stupid because i was horrible at math, and he was some sort of smart computer guy.
ok, i lost contact with him for YEARS, and i searched and searched for him, as i wanted to tell him that he had grandchildren and i was hoping that maybe it would go better now that i was an adult...the years went by and finally, in 2005 i was able to track him down. i called his brothers house and spoke with his sister in law and confirmed that i had the right family..i was overjoyed and rambling about how glad i was to have found him and how it took years and then she says
"i am so sorry, but he died a few years ago."

i then find out that he married a girl way YOUNGER than i was at the time and had a child and never ever even mentioned me. they didnt even know that he had a daughter besides the one he had before me.


there, theres my sad story! i am totally over it but i felt it was tragic enough!
I understand about your dad - mine left when I was tree, never to be heard from again until I read is obit - 40 years later - he remarried and had a daughter who never knew about the three of us he had left behind, plus my mom.
I bought my first house in March of this year and ever since then it's been going down hill...

My DH and I both lost our jobs back in the beginning of April and we are both unable to find jobs. I have had my fair share of interviews but when there are over 2,000 applicants...I don't have much of a chance. I am old enough to know the importance of having a job... I don't want to ruin my credit score and default on my mortgage. Well, apparently my parents don't think I realize how bad it is not to have a job. It's like they think I enjoy sitting on my butt all day at the house not accomplishing much, unless I decide to clean or rearrange the house. I had more freedom when I lived with them in High School and ever since I moved out (which has been 2 years now) I have no control over my own thoughts.

My DH ex wife has moved out of their house and she wasn't paying much (if any) of the mortgage. Yesterday we got a bill from the electric company (in my DH name) that she has a balance and since he didn't take the electric out of his name (which I thought we did ) we have to pay this $500 bill because she refuses to pay it. He hasn't lived there in years.. but I guess it's our fault for not changing the name on the account. When he told her she has to pay it, she said," I care more about my kids than the bills." She is a very irresponsible mother. She tries to be the "better parent" she doesn't even make sure her kids eat dinner and do homework at night, she is so wrapped around her own life. UGH!

I think we just need to go to court to get the child support amended along with this electric bill. Thankfully I have a good credit score because she has completely ruined my DH's score. When I told her that by her not paying her electric bill and mortgage she is ruining her chances of being able to buy a house... she told me she doesn't care about a credit report. She has a score around 400. She now lives with her friend in a 2 bedroom town home with 3 kids, herself, and their dog that likes to poo in the house.

I guess all of this isn't as bad as it could be but it's pretty bad for me, considering I loved my previous job and now in less than a year I have nothing.

Husband quit his job, after six months of doing nothing finally decided to start his own business. While that's going to be the best thing for his happiness in the long run and I fully support what he's doing, I'm the sole provider right now. That would be fine if I could at least get some help from the family around the house. I get home from my second job over the weekend and go to do the laundry... find out my daughter (who lives next door) had been doing her laundry and left all of her stuff in the washer and used all the detergent. She's 23 and working for min wage, so I'm helping to support her as well by paying health insurance and utilities for her. Anyway, call her to come get her laundry, she comes over and informs me she thinks she's pregnant... boyfriend is a real deadbeat.. so now I'm going to have to worry about that. Good news, since she is "poor" I'll be able to recoop some of the taxes I've paid all these years when she gets medicaid and I can stop paying for health insurance. (I'm sure I'll be excited about a baby once this sinks in)
Then, Monday i get a text from a good friend.. history.. her husband shot himself in May after confessing to molesting her daughter. I've been trying to help her through everything by providing lots of emotional support and buying little things for her 4 kids. After months of being there for her, she has the nerve to ask me to co-sign a loan so she can get a boob job!!! Even though she knows my husband isn't working!
Sugar on top, my brother, age 45 hasn't had a job in 20 years.. my dad who is 83 is spending every penny he has supporting this looser, I find out my dad has been giving him around three grand a month for 18 years.
Oh yeah, forgot to mention that I've been going through menopause this year too. Yipee.

Wow, I feel surprisingly better! I do at times want to huddle in a little ball and cry, or scream and pull my hair out, while I may feel better afterwards, its really not very productive. I've decided I can't "fix" any of this, I just have to keep doing what I can and God will decide what path things will take.

thanks for the opportunity to vent!!
After reading some of these posts, I feel guilty for ranting about what I consider my "problems".
to all of you!
I'd vent, but I had a major melt-down last night and am feeling too fragile to even vent right now. Can't afford to spend the day in tears. Too much I HAVE to get done.
Ya know...I was gonna vent about my son being ticked at me because he's 16, wanting to drive to school, but mean old mom won't let him because he doesn't have enough highway experience ...blah, blah, blah... But problems really are perspective based, aren't they???
to all you guys (and I think we were all women) going through a really rough time right now...
Wegot, all of us here are still giving you cyber hugs. Still praying for your spirit. May God bless you with peace today and allow you to do the things you need to get done.

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