Places for quail!


9 Years
Apr 4, 2010
Is it ok to keep quail inside of a building even during the summer time? Will that affect there egg laying or anything?
Im no expert but from what I,ve heard as long as your quails are getting enough natural or artificial light they should be good layers. About keeping them on a building I would think they'd be ok as long as they have enough space and food and water.
I know one gentileman who raises them indoors but he has lights on to get them to lay, his growout pens are in subdued lighting to keep picking/pecking to a minimum He use's the GQF brooder/growout pen the 5 tier model they are a really nice set up
Just a word of warning........................Quail stink 20 kabillion times worse than chickens do! I will never brood more chicks in my house!
That depends on the chicken. I think Cornish X Rock stink 20 kabillon times worse then quail. I do agree they do stink very bad though. If you are going to keep them in a building then you will need a lot of air circulation/ventilation.

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