Planning Board & the annoying neighbors UPDATE 5/26/2011 Happy Ending!

Woohoo just got back from the county clerks office and there is no restrictions on the property!

and guess who was there when I walked in.... the lady that started this hole mess
one of my friends that is helping me out got there prior to me said that she was bad mouthing me and telling everyone that we are not caring for the animals and that they have no shelter from the rain which is bull pucky! They have shelter! errrr she also said that she called the SPCA (which in our area is a private organization that can't do anything legally) and the Cornell Coop Extension!!! She said that the SPCA wouldn't do anything and Cornell wouldn't return her call.... I wonder why! They help local farmers not discourage them...

So we are going to look into pressing slander charges!
and now that we know there are no restrictions we should be able to get the variance to build the barn.

I will also be calling the Cornell Coop to see if they can help us out with the planning of the farm, because to get the farm up and going it will most likely have to be approved by the planning board. Which is going to open up a whole other can of worms. That is next year though, right now all we wanted was to get more adequate shelter for our existing animals.

PineappleMama: The restrictions most likely existed in the past. The land we own was originally suppose to be a subdivision, but the people who owned it originally lost it to the county and when the county re-sold it the land was given free title and any previous restrictions where lifted.
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See it just doesn't pay to be an old bitty, it just makes you look stupid! (Stupid ole bitty!) She got what she deserved, glad it went your way! I hope they get the barn approved asap!

UPDATE: A reporter from the local newspaper was at the Zoning meeting! OMG!!! He stopped by my house yesterday to talk to me about the communities reaction! WOW! He said he had gone over to where my animals are (they can be seen from the road he didn't go on our property) and he said he doesn't see what the big deal is!

I will post a link to the paper when they publish the story, must of been a slow news week
Wahahahahahahaha! She is going to reap what it is going to hit her back ten fold! Man, those people have nothing better to do! If she thinks your animals don't have a good enough shelter, what would it be? Inside her house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
me thinks they need to get some long crowers
Oh yeah, and a pig wallow near her fence line
me thinks they need to get some long crowers
Oh yeah, and a pig wallow near her fence line

OH it would stink up the house upwind!!!

me thinks they need to get some long crowers
Oh yeah, and a pig wallow near her fence line

OH it would stink up the house upwind!!!


I would definetly do that.... but the 2 ladies that started this whole mess don't even live anywhere near our property! They just had nothing better to do then cause trouble in the community.
OH it would stink up the house upwind!!!


I would definetly do that.... but the 2 ladies that started this whole mess don't even live anywhere near our property! They just had nothing better to do then cause trouble in the community.

what buttheads..

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