Planting shrubs in chicken run?


One Earth!
12 Years
Jun 18, 2007
I would like to plant some bushes or something like that in my chicken run. Does anyone have any experience with doing this? I want something that isn't harmful to the chickens health, and is something that they won't love and eat it all down right away. I would like to plant some to keep the wind off of them a little bit, instead of putting up a tarp again.
thanks, playswithfowl
Oh my! Good luck on finding a shrub they won't eat. It seems like my chickens get into everything that I don't want them to eat! Shrubs especially, since they are low to the ground. I would think more along the lines of the smaller trees. That way they will be up higher off of the ground and away from those beaks!
I have yet to discover a plant they won't snack on. There's a large spirea bush in one of my runs. The run was built around it. They keep it "trimmed" as high up as they can reach and I've even seen them jumping to reach a leaf they wanted.
Something that they would snack on would be fine, I meant to say something that they won't kill the plant by eating it. Also, not a plant that gets really tall. I would actually be good for them to have something to snack on I just don't want them to kill it.
To them snacking on and eating down to the ground are pretty much one in the same!
They've scratched around the bottom of it and use it as their dusting spot, so it's probably only a matter of time before it dies.
Not a shrub, but I just transplanted a comfrey plant in a corner of the run. It is surrounded by a welded wire cage to keep the birds from eating it to the ground, but next year, as the leaves get large the birds will be able to reach through the wire to snack on it as it grows.

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I also just got a comfrey plant and plan on putting it in the run. Thanks for the idea, I will put a wire cage around it so they can not eat it all at once!

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