Plants for aviaries.


Sussex Fanatic
10 Years
May 18, 2009
England, United Kingdom

I was wondering what sort of plants are suitable for quail. I was thinking spearmint, but they don't seem to particularly enjoy it.

What I was looking for was a plant which will provide some shelter from the sun and rain, and the quail may like to have the occasional nibble at, so obviously it must be safe and non-toxic to the quail. Even better, if it attracts bugs and insects that will just be great, but it's not necessary.

Thanks for any ideas.

Try swiss chard? It's a spinach relative, and grows VERY easily from seed. Plus, you can cut it down and it will grow back for up to 1-2 years. might come in handy if the quail really enjoy it! It comes in a packet of rainbow colors, or just regular... and is very pretty.
Buddleia! Its tough, big and smells good. I also have guava in with mine but it might be a bit delicate for you
Cant see why roses wont work, other than as a hazard for you. Oh, and juniper would work, either tall or short. Or some nice big rosemary and sage and lavender plants.

The only reason I can think of that things like kale wont work is if they like it lots. Two bolted heads of lettuce last my quail about 15 min, at MOST! And I only have 11. They even eat the handfuls of grass I pull up for them.
We have heaps of buddleia growing round the place, and the chickens love the stuff, so I would have thought the quail would too

Thanks everyone for your replies
I would plant some small bushes or shrubs for shade/shelter, and have grass and clover for the ground. I pull clover for mine everyday and they love it

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