Plasson Bell Waterer Problem

Hanamat Farms

9 Years
Jun 7, 2010
Good day folks! We're new to BYC and heard that this is the place to be. I hope so, cause we need help. My husband and I recently purchased a few used Plasson Automatic Bell Waterers from a local poultry house. We bought all of the parts to rebuild the valves and hooked one up this weekend. Everything appears to be correct. Its hooked up to an outside spigot that reduces down to a 1/4" barb. The pressure is reduced by a "Y" valve with a levered ball valve. There is plastic tubing that runs underground for approximately 40 feet to the waterer which is hung inside of the coop. Now, it is our understanding that the bowl will fill and as the chickens drink, the bowl will refill. It just doesn't happen that way at all. We have to manually pull up on the bell to "trip" the valve in order to fill the bowl. When we pull/push up, it seems as though its hard to do; as if its caught on something and we have to gently force it upwards. We've tried to adjust the large plastic adjustment screw in all positions to no avail. We've played with all kinds of different ballast weights in the bottle; doesn't work. We spent a weekend and are just at a point of pure frustration. Can anyone help?
You cannot reduce pressure with a ball valve, only flow. my guess is the pressure is holding the valve shut.

You need to get an actual hose pressure regulator.

You need the proper operating pressure. Plasson says. (Works on low pressure: 6-8 psi for optimum efficiency.).

They look like this.
Reviving an old thread. Will they work with a 10psi pressure regulator? If not, have you found one that works?
Plasson Breeder/Layer drinkers are designed to operate at 8 to 10 psi.

There are several industrial models or pressure regulators that are designed to do the job. They may also be priced higher than you are willing to pay. The website noted above probably has something that will work, at least for a while.

This is one that is commonly used in large poultry houses. About $65.

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