Played a trick on an egg eating hen and.........


13 Years
14 Years
Jun 20, 2009
Orange County, NY
I took two emptied out egg shells and put some Dawn detergent in them and sealed them with wax, stuck them in the next box late last night

They were completely eaten when I came home from work, shell and all.
Still can't figure out who is doing it out of a flock of about 20..................
Look for the one blowing bubbles!!
Wow! Could it be a snake?

You might put some ceramic eggs and/or golf balls in there; something she can't crack. If its a snake, it will kill it and get rid of your problem that way. If its a hen, it might deter her to peck, peck, peck and never get a reward.

Good luck!
Well, it's most likely going to be the sick or dying one in the next day or two. If it was the antibacterial dish soap, it will be pretty obvious. Or it could be a snake, squirrel, raccoon, possum, weasel, rat.........
mix up a box of blue jello with just a little water to make a paste. paint this on an easter egg or whatever. whoever has a blue beak is the culprit

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