Played a trick on an egg eating hen and.........

I see this thread is a couple weeks old, but I ran across it because I am having this problem too, big time! I just spent some time in the coop putting covers over all the nes/;.t boxes, and wanted to thank Davaroo for the suggestion. Makes sense to me, chickens don't like to eat in the dark.... but I think mine have turned into the chickens from hell, this winter has brought them all over to the dark side. I am sure it is more than one eating eggs, would I be so lucky to just have one "ringleader". But I did catch one with eggshell, and another highly suspect, so next, they will get seperated. Maybe forever.;
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How about installing a video spy camera over the nest boxes? With the monitor in the house. Anyway, my plan for next flock.

My other plan is to fill real eggs with wax and put lots of them in the nests when they start laying. I've tried wooden eggs and golfballs, and they do know the difference when they start eating them. I don't think they'd eat cold wax and hopefully they will think all eggs have cold wax in them.

I've had egg eaters. Just had to replace them when it gets bad, so sad, one starts and the others learn over a period of time. Learned to put most effort into prevention, starting with the pullet eggs when they start laying. Their being cooped up in the coop for months in the winter time is the worst, lots of time for them to get curious over eggs.

The other thing I noticed: when they start pecking the eggs, they don't know how hard to peck to break it. Sometimes lots of soft strikes. I noticed when watching my hen, the Easter Egger blue/green eggs were tougher and resisted the strikes; the brown eggs were pierced easily. So I just will have Easter Eggers now for eggs. Others are eye candy, will be kept separately I think. Also, my Easter Eggers did not start the egg eating - it was the smarter brown eggers that did.
Good observation, the EE eggs are stronger, that must explain why I get over half green eggs - out of 21 hens, I only have 6 EE'rs. And you are right about the winter.
I think this started when I went on vacation and the gal watching the coop wasn't collecting every day, and the were bored, curious, and not getting the table scraps they
were used to getting. And now eating eggs has become business as usual. But, after I put up the cloth covering the nests, the two eggs I left in there, were still there at end of the night! Maybe the nest covers will be a deterrent.
A question for those who have egg eaters. Are you giving them oyster shell? I've been told that when they eat eggs, they're low on calcium and oyster shell will help stop egg eating. I'm not going to say it's a fact, and I'm sure that someone will tell me that it's an old wive's tale. We're all entitled to our opinion. I will say, that in my experience with chickens (I've been raising them for over 20 years) when I've notices egg eating, I put oyster shell out for them, and the egg eating stops. Let me repeat - this is my experience. It may not work for everyone, and I'm sure someone will correct me and tell me I'm wrong. I just wanted to throw that out there for people to try.
All hens peck at the eggs to make sure they will not break when they start to sit on them. I think if the eggs break then they eat them.

Best post on this thread!
Plus it's wonderful you know the difference between there, their and they're...

Thanks much!
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I tried the video camera thing but after watching chickens for a couple hours doing "chicken stuff" I determined it would be a good method of getting someone to talk.
Enhanced IntrEggation...
I have the opposite phenomenon in my hen house. The one EEgger lays with the thinnest shells and she lays across the coop from the nest boxes, probably to avoid Miss Crabby Feathers (my broody Cochin) who is in one of two nest boxes but can reach the second nest box with her beak.

Yes, my hens have free choice oyster shell, grit and layer feed with plenty of fresh water and greens/fruit.

Over the past month I've found two green eggs with slight peck marks which I assumed were from the Cochin trying to move the eggs into her nest. I'm not certain if the egg just broke (gee, Mom, I didn't do anything!) or if one of the hens pecked it on purpose. This morning the green egg was half gone and there was a mess of albumen under the remaining shell.

I, too, hate the idea of culling the culprit if I can identify her. I will be vigilant about egg collection. With only 5 hens I am not happy to cull one if there is any chance of reversing my problem.

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