Please advise dosage vitamin/electrolyte and antibiotics!


14 Years
Oct 13, 2007
First chicken took a week to die. Second chicken dropped dead without warning. We bought electrolyte solution "rooster booster" and Terramycin. Rooster booster says 1 ounce per 16 gallons water. We give about 2 gallons water per day. We don't know how to calculate that much smaller dosage. the antibiotic says 200-400 mg/gal for infoectious synovitis; 400-800 mg/gal for CRD and air sac infection or fow cholera. I don't know if we even bought the right meds, it was all they had at the feed store.

So, any suggestions on how much teaspoons per gallon to put? we don't have a scale that measures ounces. Are we being dumb? is this easy and we're making it hard?

ALSO V important the antibiotic says "do not eat chicken eggs while administering antibiotic" so that for the 7 days they drink this water we shouldn't eat their eggs. Why is that? can we feed the eggs to the dog, or cook the eggs and feed them back to the chickens?

thanks for factual feedback.

Farmer Betsy, down to 6 chicks and 2 ducks. Help me save our flock!
Giving the wrong med can make the situation worse... Are you sure the Rooster Booster is an electrolyte solution (they have many products , most of which are vitamins, but also have one where a wormer is included) Electrolytes should be given when the birds are panting/visibly stressed or not drinking sufficiently...
Please can you read the package and tell exactly which Rooster Booster Product it is.
Some vitamins can not be given with Antibiotics, and you must not mix the two together in the waterer.
What are the age of your birds and symptoms...
Just throwing a medication at them which might not even be effective is not going to help... and would probably make things worse.
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Ok, first thing. Find out WHY they died. Giving antibiotics will do NOTHING for something that is not bacterial. Please do not medicate for things you don't even know you have, that is part of why there are so many bacterial infections that antibacterial/antibiotics can no longer kill.

What were the symptoms, ages of birds, time of deaths? Wat went wrong with their health? Answer thoes before giving any antibiotics. The vitamins will be fine, just no Terramycin yet.
1oz/16gallons equates to (1/8)oz/2gallons. Now, 1/8 of an oz is tricky, but that turns out to be 3/4 of a teaspoon. The easiest way to do this is just to use a 1/4 teaspoon and put three scoops in.

While I can't help you too much with your chickens dying, or if this is related to your vitamin/electrolyte stuff, I can help you with the conversions
Good luck.
Betsy's husband Jerry writing (I'm also an engineer). How did you get from 1/8 oz = 3/4 tsp? The 1/8 oz is a weight measure and the 3/4 tsp is a volume measure. Interesting tho, we came up with the same answer. I looked at the package and decided it looked like approx 1 cup and used that assumption to come up with 3/8 tsp per gallon (48 tsp per cup ...).
Hey! What did I say! :mad: j/k

As for measurement. I told him to assume that it was a liquid with a base of water, thus one ounce weight would be one ounce volume wise. Such as one fluid ounce. Like how 64 ounces of milk = 1/2 gallon. Also used with the assumption that we were using US ounces since an ounce in other countries has a different mass.

An interesting side too, it is often also taken that one teaspoon is to be measured as about 5ml, if under US standards for an ounce, which if based in water, could be converted to mass via assumptions.

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