Please, everyone post pictures of your shabby and chic coops here

I mistakenly bought a coop from the store thinking it would happily house my 5 orpingtons (hah. no) So since that already ate into my budget quite a bit I basically re purposed the coop/run into just a coop by gutting the interior and adding more ventilation and more roosts (so far so good). Its a work in progress and I'm trying to figure out how I will winterize it.
Then I enclosed it in a run so the girls can have space to roam even when I'm not around. We have no landscaping in the back yard and are very exposed to predators and marauding neighbor chicken flocks out for blood.
I had access to left over wood which helped a great deal so I think including the coop I spent about $300 Now I'm at the fun part where its all about the details! I've since added a bunch of old branches for them to hop on and replaced the ladder and finished the paving in the front. For my first build ever I'm pretty proud of it.
That is a great first build! How do you like the step in/out through the door? I was thinking to do a similar thing, but then I wondered if I would begin to dislike that. What did you attach the metal fencing with? Looks great. Come back and post what you figure out for the winterizing.
That is a great first build! How do you like the step in/out through the door? I was thinking to do a similar thing, but then I wondered if I would begin to dislike that. What did you attach the metal fencing with? Looks great. Come back and post what you figure out for the winterizing.

Thank you!

I actually really like the step - it keeps bedding and chickens well contained. I do need to move that mason jar light because I keep hitting my head on it. AND how to make sure I don't lock myself in the coop ... again XD

The metal fencing is actually sandwiched between the mainframe and an exterior frame made of 2x4's and 1x2's
I highly recommend it - not only does it help with keeping the wire in place but it really smartens up the over all look.

I may end up winterizing it sooner than I thought - we have really high wind here all year and it would help serve as windbreak and so long as the ventilation is still good, I don't think it will effect their ability to keep cool!

Oh I forgot to mention (though you can probably see) I made a platform about 12' off the ground and put sand underneath it so the girls can dust bathe, and the shade is a major plus
Wow, everyone has nice ideas. I love how smccuen utilized wasted space. I love the real branches in the coop LadyCluckington! Rochelle1021, we have been trying to figure out how to incorporate the old triangular swing set into the coop. Your coop shows how.

For winter, I went ahead and made two pallet huts and connected them. It has worked well. Not sure what I am going to do in the spring. I know I will be adding a porch off whatever I settle with. I want to keep the snow as far as I can away from their straw. Plus, when a bird is picked on they can lay under the awning.

Thanks everyone for posting pictures! Anyone else have pictures to share, please do....
Nice ChickInDelight! I love the window idea. I wish we were not paranoid parents. Ours are free range when we are home only, otherwise they have a huge run. Why did you change the door?
I inherited the coop. The old door was thin and shaky. Three doors were inside the coop when I bought it. I used the prettiest wooden door to replace the old one. I made a teepee out of the 2 others I thought were attractive for shade in the compost area. I have the third leaning against the fence, also for shade, where the neighbor's bush is. The girls LOVE that bush... which is why I had to string up chicken wire.
Nice ChickInDelight! I love the window idea. I wish we were not paranoid parents. Ours are free range when we are home only, otherwise they have a huge run. Why did you change the door?
The window idea came from BYC... I just can't find the thread now. Someone mentioned they could slide plexiglass sheets into place, but their implementation was MUCH niftier.
I seem to be the only one that likes this thread. I am SO on the shabby end.

Not a great picture, but when I had my AC replaced, I painted the shell camoflauge to provide more shade.

I don't like to feed inside the coop (unless weather is miserable). I like to keep the mess outdoors. Thus, I created a feeding station under a table. It has 4 hooks to hang feeders, treat blocks... whatever. Then, I tacked some board and roofing panels on top. It has resisted many winds since February. I also love my auto-waterer.

I seem to be the only one that likes this thread. I am SO on the shabby end. Not a great picture, but when I had my AC replaced, I painted the shell camoflauge to provide more shade. I don't like to feed inside the coop (unless weather is miserable). I like to keep the mess outdoors. Thus, I created a feeding station under a table. It has 4 hooks to hang feeders, treat blocks... whatever. Then, I tacked some board and roofing panels on top. It has resisted many winds since February. I also love my auto-waterer.
Feeding station!!! I really love that idea, nice creative!
I seem to be the only one that likes this thread. I am SO on the shabby end. Not a great picture, but when I had my AC replaced, I painted the shell camoflauge to provide more shade. I don't like to feed inside the coop (unless weather is miserable). I like to keep the mess outdoors. Thus, I created a feeding station under a table. It has 4 hooks to hang feeders, treat blocks... whatever. Then, I tacked some board and roofing panels on top. It has resisted many winds since February. I also love my auto-waterer.
I was thinking to make a feeding station too. I like that you re-used a table. I may steal this idea! I am glad you like this thread. I wanted a collection of ideas, pictures, and pros and cons. This has helped me with my ideas. Although, I still have yet to make our breeding pens. I still need more inspiration in this department. :)

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