Please, everyone post pictures of your shabby and chic coops here

This is the coop we built. It has wheels on one side and a hitch on the other so we can move it from place to place with the tractor. We used 3 inch angle iron for the base and 2 inch angle iron
covered in rolled steel for the sides. The roof is corrugated metal for the roof. We slanted the roof a bit and put up a gutter that drains into a rain barrel so we can fill their water no matter where we move the coop to.
This is my first post so please be gentle. After a lot of reading on here, this is what I came up with. I'm using a 3" PVC waterer with nipples and a 3" PVC gravity feeder. I built the "auto roll out" nesting boxes. I purchased nesting pads and the girls weren't too interested in them what so ever. Pulled the pads and they are all about it now. I have not seen them use the roosting bars as of yet, but I'm hopeful!

Thoughts? Comments?

Things I really like...
I love the overhang above the nest boxes.
I think the pvc feeders are a great idea.
I love that the run is covered.

I am thinking you need to make me one for my bantams.
This is our first attempt at coop building. We used ideas from this site. My husband and I decided to go with the portable idea. The run is detachable and we've attached handles to the front of the coop so that it can be wheeled to a new location every few days.

We left a little crawl space for the ladies to hide in. They seem to like looking out the window.

The view from inside the nesting boxes.

Ladycluckington, do you happen to know the dimensions of your cute little portable coop? I have two tiny palettes that I was thinking of having my dad build into a small movable coop like this.

And did I mention how much I am loving this thread!
Please BYC keep'em coming! I am so inspired and blown away by all these lovely chick
uh I meant chic coops.

Here are my own two that my dad built for me and my flock out of palettes and plywood.

The first one is still a work in progress. Got to get the over hang framed up with shed post and add onto the side with another run. But out of money right now, so it is a near future project.
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Wow, there are a lot of beautiful coops here!
Here is my coop, finished in May 2014. The girls were so happy to move in, and a few days later they experienced their first snow on Mother's Day. It did look so pretty covered in snow

I decided to raise the coop off the ground, my backyard is a hill and I do have water and mud run off problems when it rains. The extra bonus with having it raised they have an area underneath that is secure and shaded. My biggest problem was figuring the pop door in the floor with the ramp out. Having enough headroom, and not giving up massive floor space. I can close it if needed, but most nights I leave it open. They can get down and have breakfast if I sleep in. Since this picture, I have also cut two screened windows that can be closed if needed (they are at opposite ends) Still working on the run now.
So excited got our 1st egg yesterday!

I'm so happy
Wow, there are a lot of beautiful coops here!
Here is my coop, finished in May 2014. The girls were so happy to move in, and a few days later they experienced their first snow on Mother's Day. It did look so pretty covered in snow

I decided to raise the coop off the ground, my backyard is a hill and I do have water and mud run off problems when it rains. The extra bonus with having it raised they have an area underneath that is secure and shaded. My biggest problem was figuring the pop door in the floor with the ramp out. Having enough headroom, and not giving up massive floor space. I can close it if needed, but most nights I leave it open. They can get down and have breakfast if I sleep in. Since this picture, I have also cut two screened windows that can be closed if needed (they are at opposite ends) Still working on the run now.
So excited got our 1st egg yesterday!

I'm so happy for you.

And yes washing mud is my current problem, I am going to have to get my dad to raise the newest of my two coops up higher off the ground, to much wash is washing down on it and I'm afraid it will rot the palette it is built on.
Don't need that to happen.

By the way, your coop is adorable!
Eggette, is that a tree trunk I see in your photo? That is unbelievable. I feel your pain with the mud. After a rain, I go up on the hill and see exactly were the water is coming from and follow the path then a have piled rocks to slow it down and divert it. This has worked well I haven't had the flooding in the chicken area at all anymore. Before I built the coop it was an area that was really bad with water. So now I am working on other areas of the yard. Sometimes my whole backyard looks like a waterfall. I can't tell you how much mud I have shoveled after a rain. But it is a small price to pay for the beauty of living here. Good luck with your projects!
Ladycluckington, do you happen to know the dimensions of your cute little portable coop? I have two tiny palettes that I was thinking of having my dad build into a small movable coop like this.

The coop itself is a 4' x 4' cube with an extension on the top so that we could angle the roof and put in windows, and a 1.5ft crawl space at the bottom so the ladies could get out of the sun/rain without having to go into the coop.

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