Please, everyone post pictures of your shabby and chic coops here

Eggette, is that a tree trunk I see in your photo? That is unbelievable. I feel your pain with the mud. After a rain, I go up on the hill and see exactly were the water is coming from and follow the path then a have piled rocks to slow it down and divert it. This has worked well I haven't had the flooding in the chicken area at all anymore. Before I built the coop it was an area that was really bad with water. So now I am working on other areas of the yard. Sometimes my whole backyard looks like a waterfall. I can't tell you how much mud I have shoveled after a rain. But it is a small price to pay for the beauty of living here. Good luck with your projects!
Do you mean the trunk in this picture?
It is my favorite tree on the property. I fell in love with it when I first saw it.
I made sure my dad didn't harm it when he built my closed in run for me, so he notched out the tin on the roof around the tree. It is a beach tree. I often use it as a bench and sit on it, laughs! It is so comfortable.
I plan on using it in my next run off of the coop, we will frame up around it and let it be in the run for the chickens to enjoy.
I plan on placing the sand box for this future run behind the tree next to the closed in run at the tree's stump, since chickens seem to love tree's and their roots for their dust bath location it just seems like the most logical place.
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This is our coop and run we just finished today( except rope for pop door and flooring for the coop). It is almost all free materials that were given to us or that I had for some time. The coop is 4'x 5' and the run is 4'x15'. We plan on getting 5 or 6 laying hens.

I have 6 rhode island reds and 3 americuanas (sp). I have read a lot of debate about how many chickens it can house but I figure 9-12. I am tall and so is my wife so we wanted to be able to stand up inside. and also that high wall is going to have a shelf for me to store straw bales and their other stuff and keep it off the ground.. I have to do a few finishing touches today like put chicken wire over the windows and eaves  and a bolt on the door but they should be moved into it today.
great looking coop. I think you could say "you did it right the first time." Great work.
Henway Beach turned out to be an escape route from the prison yard (which is actually the 5 acres you see in the background). I donated that small corner of my yard because they all love that bush (that I managed to kill and is now a trellis for weeds). So, my latest build is Fort Feather, and they love it! I thought I was really clever when I put the end pallets flat on the ground, screwed in the middle section with single deck bolts, then rocked it up into position. I DO love pallets!
here,s my rooftop garden and coop. Having fun and wanting to add 2 more chicks to my 2 young hen flock.

Noticed today they are sleeping in a nest. Not sure why theyre not roosting
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