Please give me advice on this chick-*twisted beak*UPDATE Pg.4

Thanks everyone for the information. I am a technician for a vet who also specializes in birds and exotics- we have had some parrots come in with cross of the main factors that I brought her home. I thought perhaps I could give her a chance. The parrots are somewhat different though, with their hooked beaks.

I have learned some things- she is very cuddly, for one. She eats best if I hold her food dish almost sideways so that when she pecks into it, the food falls into her lower beak. There is almost no area where the upper beak crosses her lower beak- just right where they leave her face. She seems to drink fine out of a regular dish. I have compensated by putting the feeder plate on an angle in the pen. She works four times as hard as the others, but fills her crop.

I put the show girls and silkies who are two weeks old, (two of them are older- five weeks, I think), in an enclosed pen inside my chicken yard this morning. While they were freaked out, I added Ziggy...and they were not nearly as 'picky' toward her then. They tried a few times to pick at her tongue, thats it. I think she has dealt with it her whole life, though, because she just turned her head so that her lower beak was away from them- but stood there instead of trying to run away. (I think that was the world's longest run-on sentence). Then they left her alone.

I have learned that my show girls are rather mean. They spend alot of time butting chests and picking at others. Knowing my luck, they will both be roos.

I have parrot hand-feeding formula in my cabinet right now. Thank you for that info! I can easily mix it- thank you for that information.

I will give her a chance until/unless it becomes obvious that she is just surviving, not thriving. I once found a crippled banty (in the woods!), whose legs and feet were so twisted that he walked on his hocks/ankles....and it did great and was so sweet, followed me around like a dog. Until it grew-it did fine. Once it gained full weight, I saw that it was making sores on its legs and chest and wings, just trying to move around. The quailty of life was gone, so I put him down. Broke my heart- but I didnt want life to be only suffering.

Thank you, and I will keep everyone posted (with pictures) on how she is doing.
Just want to let you all know that I gave them all some EXACT parrot hand-feeding formula. They all went nuts for it. When I mixed it with water, Ziggy wouldnt eat it..but the silkies and showgirls loved it. When I put a bowl of dry in with Ziggy, she ate the powder- quite a bit of it. Nice size crop when she was done. Definitely doing much better here with me than she was when I brought her home.

OH! One more thing, I have a quart-jar waterer...she cant figure it out. She kept pecking at the jar. So, I gave her back her bowl of water.
Wishing you all the best with Ziggy (Zig Zag/Ziggy - great name!)~!!

I think your cutie is a gold laced cohin like my poor General Lee (RIP) anyway...I havent had any experience with cross beak but do have experience saving birds that everyone else says to cull. Take the time and work with her. If you have to hand feed her, so what. Its worth it. My Bobo (cornish x) is now 3 months old and due to his breed he shouldve been dead long ago. Sometimes they just need extra TLC. Good luck darlin!!

is someone in this thread who has a chicken with a twisted beak also. Maybe you could contact her and get some more information. I have a special needs chick and I am one of those people who refuses to cull just because a chicken or animal needs special attention. Yes, it's lots of work but if you are willing to do it, it's so worth it. Now if it was causing the animal pain or other distress, that is a whole different story.

Sorry about her problems. Poor little thing
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Just want to give an update- Ziggy is doing wonderful. Doesnt even look like the same bird, really, except for the beak. She is outside in the pen/coop with the others now...and she forages, even though she really doesnt get anything with foraging- she still goes through the motions. She fills her crop very well in her feeder, and with the parrot hand feeding formula in a bowl. By the way, all the chicks love that stuff, dry.

Every now and then, a small chick will pick at her lower beak- not severe, more like curious, or thinking she has a treat and they try to grab it. They dont persist at it, though.

She has gained weight, and is still cuddly. I hand fed her a It did NOT go over well. The worm would NOT cooperate, but I finally got it lined up right and poked in her beak.

She also manages to drink water very well, so I havent had to worry about that.

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Mom, what a sad little thing. I got a pullet from a hatchery, little did I know that they come debeaked. Her top beak is half as long as the bottom. I have to make the water deep enough, and the food bowl, too. It's 10 months later now, and she is fat and a really nice chicken, Buff Orpington. She went broody 4 weeks ago, so I gave her a few Polish eggs, and they hatched last week, and she's a good mommy. The chicks even pick the food off her bottom beak, which looks like a scoop. I've even seen her catch a few bugs.
I think your crossbeak is worse off, and harder to feed. And she might end up doing well. I hope so. Hopefully she'll be a food pig and love to eat. Good incentive. Good luck

Breed? I'm thinking ameraucana or easter egger cross with something with feather legs, a cochin maybe? Or a d'uccle.
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We have almost the same thing. In fact, our bird looks almost identical.

I friend of ours got her from the local feedmill. It wasn't immediately obvious she had the problem. She was unable to keep the chicks she got and offered them to us. We were going on vacation, so another friend of our took her temporarily. So she was about 6 weeks old before we got back from vacation and got her. She was 1/2 the size of the other chick the same age. This is what she looked like on June 22. (I'm sorry the pic is so blurry)

And here is how she looked yesterday.

Some improvement.

Here is what we have been doing:

I got some tiny rubberbands from my son's orthodonist. We put them on her every night. She was able to get the rubber bands off, so we started putting a dab of super glue on her beak to hold the rubber band. When we first take the rubber band off in the morning, it is pretty straight. But as the days goes on, it gets more crooked, but it's never as bad in the evening as it was when we started.

We mix her feed with yoghurt to the consistency of a milkshake and she is able to eat it herself. (When we started, we had to hand feed her). After she's been at it a while, we usually have to mound it up again.

I don't know if this is going to work. The orthdonist gave us a package of tiny rubber bands. When they run out, we will have to see how she is doing. Since she is still growing, I hope the rubber bands are helping the beak grow straighter than it would otherwise. But will it be enough to live a fairly normal life? We don't know yet.

Added 07/07/08

Here is what her beak looks like today:
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