Please Help!! Anyone? Hen not pooping at all. Not broody

We do have a vet who treats pet birds like parrots and cats and dogs nearby. I'll take her to them tomorrow. Hopefully they treat hens too.
If they dont just call and say hey I have a chicken with cocci is there any chance you guys can order corid or get it? If not do you know where I can get some?
Urates in the poop. Could be dehydration. But I don't see how, you report she's active/eating/drinking.

A bird that is active, eating/drinking is not sick.

Coccidiosis is possible even in a house chicken.
Since you are going to contact see the vet, take a poop sample with you and have them do a fecal float to see if you even need to treat for worms and/or Coccidiosis.
Are you keeping her isolated in a small area with a solid floor, like concrete or something similar (aka not dirt or any substrate)? Otherwise, maybe you're missing her poops or mistaking hers for the other birds. Even if she had internal parasites, feed that goes in *continously* must come out.
She's in a cage with those flakes/hays bedding. Haven't seen any poops as it's clean except for some feathers.
Please check crop condition first thing in the morning before she eats or drinks, maybe right now too just for comparison.

Is it squishy, hard, flat, empty, full? We are checking for impacted or sour crop here.

Is her bumm clear.. no pasty butt plugging it?

How does her abdomen feel.. it is like other chickens.. or swollen or squishy at all?

Sounds like it could be aging issues with possible organ failure.. but let's not jump to that conclusion without further analysis.

What is her standard feed routine including treats and supplement?

I would NOT do the bath UNLESS you suspect egg binding. Epsom salt is found at all stores, maybe in the pharmacy department.. the magnesium absorbs through the skin to support the muscles to push the egg out.

Don't follow every advice you get.. find out why it's being recommended and then decide if it makes sense to you.

If she was egg bound, she's be in the lay box not on roost.

Aging conditions are things like Egg yolk peritonitis, salpingitis, liver failure, ascites (water belly) and more. Check for the crop and belly.

Feather loss.. parasites?? nutrition?? picking by other flock members? What is the location of the feather loss? Is the skin angry red or light pink?

Hope you get some answers and she recovers quickly! :fl
Crop feels normal, mostly empty enough. Not sure where exactly the abdomen is but she looks normal. We give her bird pellets daily with the occasional rice/tomato/yogurt/ vitamin supplements. We've given her that since birth though.

She's on the perch rn. Feather loss location is mostly tail or wing feathers. She lives alone so not bullying. Skin normal. She even ate a lot right now.
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