Please Help!! Anyone? Hen not pooping at all. Not broody

We do have a vet who treats pet birds like parrots and cats and dogs nearby. I'll take her to them tomorrow. Hopefully they treat hens too.
If they dont just call and say hey I have a chicken with cocci is there any chance you guys can order corid or get it? If not do you know where I can get some?
Urates in the poop. Could be dehydration. But I don't see how, you report she's active/eating/drinking.

A bird that is active, eating/drinking is not sick.

Coccidiosis is possible even in a house chicken.
Since you are going to contact see the vet, take a poop sample with you and have them do a fecal float to see if you even need to treat for worms and/or Coccidiosis.

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