PLEASE HELP! assisting in hatching call duck eggs.



May 1, 2020
Fleet Hampshire, England
hatching call duck eggs
I started hatching call duck eggs 24 days ago (so there's 2 days left) i heard call ducks are the hardest thing to hatch.
I've never hatched any eggs before and only one of my eggs have made it to day 24 so i'm desperate to get it right:
my egg started rocking two days ago, and yesterday i put it on lock down. i haven't noticed anything wrong so far (it hasn't internally or externally pipped yet) . is it okay to put a safety hole in anyway - could it cause shrinkwrap? also could taking it out of Lockdown be bad for it?
how should i know if its malpositioned and what can i do to help?

i'm using a Brinsea mini 2 advanced & my eggs were laid at my house (weren't shipped)
Hey, so i took it out and put it to my ear and there was like a steady beat, do you know if that's its heart or if that's it trying to pip?
- sorry if that's a dumb question.
Did you candle to check for internal pip? If you hear scratching, and tapping, that's usually a sign that it's pipped.
Did you candle to check for internal pip? If you hear scratching, and tapping, that's usually a sign that it's pipped.
i tried, but my light isn't bright enough - and i couldn't get the room dark enough so i couldn't really tell - looking back, i should've invested in an official candling light. its probably pipped though, thanks for your help.
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