please help broody hen has ANTS on her and a BLACK comb?

I got on there web site and I seen that so I called mine and they said they don’t have it I would have to order it and I know tsc would probably take for ever to order but thanks for your help
TSC does sell both.
You may have talked to an idiot.
Just go to the store and look around.
Comb looking way better ;)
Where is your location/State?
Trying to figure out the climate vs ants. If it's in just her area, I would remove all nesting material & burn it. Check the ground area that she was in, there maybe an ant nest in that area. Find it odd that it's only in her area ... You said it was the eaten egg in her nest, so assuming you removed & changed nesting material.
Keep us posted when the chicks hatch :pop
Comb looking way better ;)
Where is your location/State?
Trying to figure out the climate vs ants. If it's in just her area, I would remove all nesting material & burn it. Check the ground area that she was in, there maybe an ant nest in that area. Find it odd that it's only in her area ... You said it was the eaten egg in her nest, so assuming you removed & changed nesting material.
Keep us posted when the chicks hatch :pop
Texas is known for having ants every where pretty much year round...although the nasty things do seem to be out in full force this time of year.
Comb looking way better ;)
Where is your location/State?
Trying to figure out the climate vs ants. If it's in just her area, I would remove all nesting material & burn it. Check the ground area that she was in, there maybe an ant nest in that area. Find it odd that it's only in her area ... You said it was the eaten egg in her nest, so assuming you removed & changed nesting material.
Keep us posted when the chicks hatch :pop
thanks yes i did change the bedding in the coop and after that there were no ants on her but they came back
ok i got permethrin the liquid and im going to bring her inside for the night and tomorrow i will spray the permethrin under the bedding and around the coop will this be bad for them to breath in i will also put it on my broody-trixie
Permethrin is labeled for poultry which means it's safe to use on and around them.
I would remove the birds before spraying the coop.
The spray will settle fast.
ok so the permethrin is all around the coop and lock down is tomorrow im just really worried about her air cells in the eggs they take up a hole half of a egg
ok so the permethrin is all around the coop and lock down is tomorrow im just really worried about her air cells in the eggs they take up a hole half of a egg
Are you able you take pictures of the eggs? Or will mama hen and the ants not allow it? Joking... just joking.
Just wait and see. Eggs will hatch if they're going to. Good luck.

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