Please Help! Chicken not looking so good.

Thanks for all it help, but what are the white thorn like things on her feet?
She looks like a Lt Brahma so I would guess that those are feathers coming in on her feet. If you have others of the same breed are they not getting them as well?

Sadly no. This is my only chicken I will get more once I know my baby is okay:(
She is still alive, sitting in the sand next to her food and water, I ordered what u recommended but it will be here in 4 days, just hope she can hold on.
Four days seems like a really long time, especially when one is already dead. Are there no Tractor Supply stores near you, or a co-op/farm store of any kind? Where do you get your chicken feed at?

This says: "The disease has a high mortality rate in baby chicks and death usually occurs within a week of first seeing symptoms, so fast treatment is a must. Even if a chick survives, permanent intestinal tissue damage often occurs. Since a chicken's immune system is centered in the intestine, survivors could have a compromised immune system for life. This is why prevention is so very important."
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I have looked EVERYWHERE for it, couldn't find it at all. It's just a race against time, is there ANYTHING else i can do?
Maybe you can google any natural remidies until you get it. I think I saw on some forum about how a lady cured coccidiosis with all natural stuff. Maybe you can search for that forum until you get it.
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I have also looked up symptoms, and one of them is bloody poop, after examining and looking at all the poop in the group none have blood. Is the chickens tail down because he is on his own?

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