Please help! Chicken not well


May 6, 2017
I have a chicken which has a toenail that is pointing upwards and it keeps losing balance it is clearly in pain and is all huddled up in a corner with its tail down and walks very slowly and somewhat seems lethargic. What should I do , should I cut if the toenail? Also my family said it may be eggbound . But I’m not sure how to tell if it’s egg bound but I believe it’s just to do with the toe. Please help!


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Yes, you can trim the toenails to see if that helps. You may need to trim just a little, then work on the nails over a few weeks. Here's some helpful tips

How long has she been lethargic?
Is she able to poop? - photos of the poop
Feel your hen's abdomen for any bloat, swelling or fluid.

I would recheck the bottom of her feet for any scabs or swelling. What does the top of them look like?
It's possible the feet are painful and causing the lethargy, but check to make sure her crop is empty in the morning and look through her feathers for lice/mites.
Is she limping? How old is she? Can you insert a finger up to 2 inches inside her vent to check for a stuck egg? If she is older or has she been laying normal eggs? I would not cut her toe off, especially since you don’t know if the toe is just deformed or broken, or even if that is causing her being uncomfortable. Is she eating or drinking? How are her poops?

Sorry, I was posting at the same time as Wyorp Rock.
Is she limping? How old is she? Can you insert a finger up to 2 inches inside her vent to check for a stuck egg? If she is older or has she been laying normal eggs? I would not cut her toe off, especially since you don’t know if the toe is just deformed or broken, or even if that is causing her being uncomfortable. Is she eating or drinking? How are her poops?

Sorry, I was posting at the same time as Wyorp Rock.
Hi she’s a year old yesterday she was normal and active but today very different. I put my little finger up her vent and felt nothing. She’s drinking a lot more then normal though. I don’t see any mites and she feels normal with no swelling or anything. But she is always in the run huddled up and is much more less aware and slow when she try’s to walk away from you.
How does her crop feel—empty, full, firm, or puffy? Can you try offering her some wet runny chicken feed mixed with water, and some chopped egg or tuna if her crop feels normal?

Yes, they tend to like to eat mushy chicken feed in a bowl, and just make new every day. Even dying chickens I have had will eat cooked egg. But the feed is good to get her eating normally.
Hi she’s a year old yesterday she was normal and active but today very different. I put my little finger up her vent and felt nothing. She’s drinking a lot more then normal though. I don’t see any mites and she feels normal with no swelling or anything. But she is always in the run huddled up and is much more less aware and slow when she try’s to walk away from you.

Hi her crop feels normal what do you mean by wet runny chicken feed? Thanks
What does "normal" mean when you feel the crop? Is it full, hard, soft, squishy, doughy or does she have a sour smell to the breath?

Check the crop first thing in the morning before she eats/drinks, that's the best way to check crop function. It should be empty in the morning.

How long have you had her? By any chance are feathers blocking her field of vision? You mention that she is less aware - I wonder if she can see well or if that is just a symptom of lethargy.
What does "normal" mean when you feel the crop? Is it full, hard, soft, squishy, doughy or does she have a sour smell to the breath?

Check the crop first thing in the morning before she eats/drinks, that's the best way to check crop function. It should be empty in the morning.

How long have you had her? By any chance are feathers blocking her field of vision? You mention that she is less aware - I wonder if she can see well or if that is just a symptom of lethargy.
Hi I’ll check that all Tommorow. She can see perfectly well as she has a very small pompon thanks

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