Please Help Determine Breed and Sex of my Duck!

Sure, some more pictures with the whole duck on the picture, preferably from a flat angle would be good :)
Thanks! I love both of my ducks and want to know what breed or breeds they are :)
The blacker one looks like a male and I thinks its a blue Swedish for the breed but I could be wrong. Not sure about the other though. They both look like males though.
The blacker one looks like a male and I thinks its a blue Swedish for the breed but I could be wrong. Not sure about the other though. They both look like males though.
The blacker one looks like a male and I thinks its a blue Swedish for the breed but I could be wrong. Not sure about the other though. They both look like males though.

Thanks for your help! I was hoping they are both the same sex as I don't want any ducklings. They don't have the curled rump feathers too :) Most likely both male?
Well if they don't have the curled rump feathers maybe I'm wrong. But that might just mean they're still pretty young and haven't gotten them yet. If they do have them that is a trait of male or drake so...
I assumed they were males because of the greaner heads. I'm still quite sure that they are males. :) they are both very pretty though! If the lighter colored one is very large and almost fat he could be a Rouen but I think miss lydia was right and he's some sort of runner cross. He looks too small for a rouen. Heres a pic of a Rouen so you can compare because you never know.
Well if they don't have the curled rump feathers maybe I'm wrong. But that might just mean they're still pretty young and haven't gotten them yet. If they do have them that is a trait of male or drake so...
I assumed they were males because of the greaner heads. I'm still quite sure that they are males. :) they are both very pretty though! If the lighter colored one is very large and almost fat he could be a Rouen but I think miss lydia was right and he's some sort of runner cross. He looks too small for a rouen. Heres a pic of a Rouen so you can compare because you never know.
No my phone makes too many typos! Both of my ducks have the curled rump feathers :) I'm really happy they are the same gender. You have a beautful duck as well :) Thanks again for all the help :)

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