Please help determining breed and gender


6 Years
Sep 23, 2013
Can someone help me have a basic estimate of what breed these chickens are? I just decided to raise them for fun but now that they are reaching laying point(my limited knowledge from the internet), I wanna know some details
There are pictures of them on this site, don't worry I'm not selling them
My friend did it as a joke and hasn't taken the ad down yet haha...
I'm not really familiar with the crested breeds, but there's something crested back there. I'm not sure it's silkie, with those straight combs and light skin, I can't see how many toes in the pics. The color is Colombian, which could be a couple different breeds. Basically, mixed breed birds.
I'm not really familiar with the crested breeds, but there's something crested back there. I'm not sure it's silkie, with those straight combs and light skin, I can't see how many toes in the pics. The color is Colombian, which could be a couple different breeds. Basically, mixed breed birds.

I had several Silkie eggs fertilized by a Salmon Faverolles roo. Some of the resulting chicks were white and their legs were as light as a Sussex. Silkie crosses can have four toes, they do produce chicks with light skin and little to no crest and single combs (even a PQ Silkie can have a single comb!). Nothing wrong there for a Silkie, just not real sure where it got the Columbian color.
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