Please help! Don’t know what’s wrong with her.

What is wrong with my hen?

  • Egg bound?

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  • Disease?

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It looks like you have a real nice setup there. Looks warm, too. Your signature doesn’t say where you are, and that info (just your general location—nothing specific—state, Provence, country... that kind of thing) could make a difference.
Hi, I'm located in Worcester, Massachusetts. It's awfully COLD here and as a matter a fact, tomorrow we're getting 3-5 inches of snow. It's snowy here. The picture I sent above was an old picture (maybe a year old). Coop looks the same but snow comes a lot here in New England.
Bummer... I was hoping maybe warmer. It’s miserably cold here, too. Warmer than last night. Tonight it’s only (supposedly) going down to -13. I guess we’ll see.

If you have a garage or storage area you could bring her into, you might talk your mom into that. If it’s somewhere she doesn’t have to look at or interact with the hen, she might be persuaded, especially if there’s a cage/kennel/etc. Just somewhere you could keep an eye on her and apply whatever medications folks have suggested that you can get hold of. People have these fears; you can seldom argue them out of them, even if you’re the one who’s afraid and trying to convince *yourself* not to be.

You might try grinding up some oatmeal and soaking it in a bit of warm water for several minutes until it gets gluey, then pack her wound with it. You probably have that, and I’ve read it can help to draw the “poison” (in this case probably dead white blood cells) out. It won’t hurt her, at any rate, and it might help reduce the inflammation.
Update as of today 3/16: I forgot to update, I cleaned her out and that day I cleaned her I found another one bleeding even worse than the original one. We ended their sufferings as all of the flock were chasing the two down to peck at them which would’ve led to cannibalism anyways. So we ended their sufferings, May the two hens Rest In Peace :(
So sorry for your loss. Keep an eye on the agressive hens and try to do some of things recommended to prevent pecking. Some people use pinless peepers to prevent pecking. Sometimes it is better to get rid of the agressors than to have to deal with new chickens being injured. Here is another article about vent pecking with causes:
Update as of today 3/16: I forgot to update, I cleaned her out and that day I cleaned her I found another one bleeding even worse than the original one. We ended their sufferings as all of the flock were chasing the two down to peck at them which would’ve led to cannibalism anyways. So we ended their sufferings, May the two hens Rest In Peace :(
Sorry for your loss. :hugs:hugs

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