Please help duckling emergency

While a qualified vet is the best option, finding a qualified poultry vet is extremely hard to do. We have a few in Minnesota, but they are not in private practice and would not take a call from anyone like us. They work for the large poultry producing companies, Tyson, Pilgrims Pride, Jenny-O, Golden Plump and so forth.

Most your "farm" vets are large animal or horse vets. The others are cat and dog vets, sure they will look at other animals and take your money, but if you talk to them one on one they will tell you old farmers know more about chickens, turkeys and ducks than they do.

They seldom see poultry, they might see a parrot now and then but that is even rare. They studied birds in general in school, but that has been years ago for most and they do not keep up on them, it does not pay.

The other thing is pure cost. Not many of us can afford to spend $100 vet bill on a $10 bird. I know I can't. I try to remember as much as I can from my Dad and Grandparents about how to treat whatever, I think the problem is.

I ask on here and do google searches to see what I can find. Then I wing it on a hope and a prayer and wait for the outcome.

Sometimes, things work, sometimes not, Is that any different than going to a Vet? Sometimes they cure an animal and sometimes they don't.

As much as I like Dux, I cannot believe I am saying this, but if a person is just going to "put down " or contradict whatever a person trying to help is advising why not just not post instead? Why cause the drama?

The OP of this thread and others like this know the suggestion givers are not Vets. They know there is no guarantee, they know the diagnosis could be wrong. BUT they are trying to do something.

Even if that something is learning what they can to prevent it from occurring again or helping this bird to recover.

I am sorry to vent on this thread a tad, but I read a lot of threads,,,,,(and am famous for my DUX advice that no one ever takes for some unknown reason).... that I never say anything on.

Why post if you are not trying to help? I have done many things that are NOT advised by the FDA or Dept of Ag when working on my birds....

The drug companies do not spend the time and money to get many drugs "approved" for poultry, there is no profit in it. We have to improvise.

We also know many of the improvising will not work, but every now and then they do...

Good Luck on you DUX (you may never see me say that again) And try whatever you want that some of the people have suggested. It is your choice...

Have a good day!

Very well said!

The OP would not have posted if she/he wasn't asking for help. People on BYC want to help because some, like Pyxis, Casportpony, Miss Lydia, and many others have lots of experience in this and they love animals. It is OP's choice to do it or not to do it. Isn't is better to try than to sit back and do nothing at all?
Excuse the interruption here, I do apologize especially to the OP in needing help with a sick bird. :hugs

There is a bit too much arguing going on in this thread, I have seen it in other threads recently on the need to have a bird taken to a vet for a diagnosis instead of relying on help here in the forums.

First off, this is what BYC is all about...we HELP people through crisis, no matter what our skill level of knowledge is. We all know how difficult it is to find a good avian vet, they are rare and far between! Second, some people can't afford to take their birds to the vet and then there are some folks that will refuse to take them in no matter how much they love their birds. Quite frankly, one vet can never know as much as the thousands of people here on BYC. I have on several occasions been misguided by vets and by trial and error on my own flock, learned more than I ever though possible.

So all this being said, when someone has a sick bird, where do they go? Right to BYC! No, we are not vets, but some of us have been keeping birds a very long time. We have been around the block with many diseases and conditions and we know how to heal our birds. We speak with conviction, we hold the owners hands, we help the owners and their birds through tough times. We are not giving out deadly advice, nor do we wish any harm. We help because of our love of birds. We have empathy and compassion and don't like to see the birds suffer.

What I am getting at is...We all offer what ever advice we can, whether that be to medicate or do nothing. Some of us have extensive knowledge on medical treatments, others know how to pour on the empathy. But we ALL have to remember, doing nothing is as much advice as doing something. If your advice is to do nothing, essentially you are also giving advice before a vet's diagnosis and you are also not qualified to offer up advice either.

I am sure the OP is well aware that he/she can take this bird to the vet. They are willing to take the advice, sight unseen here on BYC, giving their problem to us here to help diagnose and treat this bird. Period. So lets just leave our take on how we feel the situation should be handled and be done with it. Do NOT argue back and forth on this. You said your peace, now walk away. It is then up to the OP to make the final decision on how to handle the situation.

Again, lets not argue about "the need for a vet to step in, no one is qualified to give advice, blah blah blah"...Nobody needs us Mods to step in and edit, delete, give you guys the business on arguing/trolling. :p This is BYC guys. We are ALL a community with one HUGE common trait and that is poultry and the love of them. Our forums have saved thousands of birds lives and will continue to do so for eons to come.

OP, good luck with your bird, I know how difficult it is to see them ailing. :hugs

Thank you for your understanding,
~BYC Staff
Excuse the interruption here, I do apologize especially to the OP in needing help with a sick bird. :hugs

There is a bit too much arguing going on in this thread, I have seen it in other threads recently on the need to have a bird taken to a vet for a diagnosis instead of relying on help here in the forums.

First off, this is what BYC is all about...we HELP people through crisis, no matter what our skill level of knowledge is. We all know how difficult it is to find a good avian vet, they are rare and far between! Second, some people can't afford to take their birds to the vet and then there are some folks that will refuse to take them in no matter how much they love their birds. Quite frankly, one vet can never know as much as the thousands of people here on BYC. I have on several occasions been misguided by vets and by trial and error on my own flock, learned more than I ever though possible.

So all this being said, when someone has a sick bird, where do they go? Right to BYC! No, we are not vets, but some of us have been keeping birds a very long time. We have been around the block with many diseases and conditions and we know how to heal our birds. We speak with conviction, we hold the owners hands, we help the owners and their birds through tough times. We are not giving out deadly advice, nor do we wish any harm. We help because of our love of birds. We have empathy and compassion and don't like to see the birds suffer.

What I am getting at is...We all offer what ever advice we can, whether that be to medicate or do nothing. Some of us have extensive knowledge on medical treatments, others know how to pour on the empathy. But we ALL have to remember, doing nothing is as much advice as doing something. If your advice is to do nothing, essentially you are also giving advice before a vet's diagnosis and you are also not qualified to offer up advice either.

I am sure the OP is well aware that he/she can take this bird to the vet. They are willing to take the advice, sight unseen here on BYC, giving their problem to us here to help diagnose and treat this bird. Period. So lets just leave our take on how we feel the situation should be handled and be done with it. Do NOT argue back and forth on this. You said your peace, now walk away. It is then up to the OP to make the final decision on how to handle the situation.

Again, lets not argue about "the need for a vet to step in, no one is qualified to give advice, blah blah blah"...Nobody needs us Mods to step in and edit, delete, give you guys the business on arguing/trolling. :p This is BYC guys. We are ALL a community with one HUGE common trait and that is poultry and the love of them. Our forums have saved thousands of birds lives and will continue to do so for eons to come.

OP, good luck with your bird, I know how difficult it is to see them ailing. :hugs

Thank you for your understanding,
~BYC Staff
Thank you for everyone who offered advice!!! Today my baby is much better! I have e held her alot since last night and each time I massaged her little neck, she would close her eyes and go to sleep. I am not sure how she ended up upside down and think from struggling to right herself she wore out her neck and it just hurt. Today she is drinking, eating and pooping more! As the day has gone by she is not extending her neck fully but still keeping it down more than usual. When I walk out there she stretches her neck to look over the border walls like the others do. Luckily I think this time was just a sprained neck. The swelling has also gone down in her belly area and breast. We dodged a bullet this time. I will still keep a close eye on her the next several days just to be sure. I will also be reading every article posted for me and I will be getting the first aid supplies listed too!! I'm a 2nd year duck mama and learning every day. I'm so thankful for everyone on this site for the help and support when any of us are in need! Very thankful for you fellow bird mamas!!!
Excuse the interruption here, I do apologize especially to the OP in needing help with a sick bird. :hugs

There is a bit too much arguing going on in this thread, I have seen it in other threads recently on the need to have a bird taken to a vet for a diagnosis instead of relying on help here in the forums.

First off, this is what BYC is all about...we HELP people through crisis, no matter what our skill level of knowledge is. We all know how difficult it is to find a good avian vet, they are rare and far between! Second, some people can't afford to take their birds to the vet and then there are some folks that will refuse to take them in no matter how much they love their birds. Quite frankly, one vet can never know as much as the thousands of people here on BYC. I have on several occasions been misguided by vets and by trial and error on my own flock, learned more than I ever though possible.

So all this being said, when someone has a sick bird, where do they go? Right to BYC! No, we are not vets, but some of us have been keeping birds a very long time. We have been around the block with many diseases and conditions and we know how to heal our birds. We speak with conviction, we hold the owners hands, we help the owners and their birds through tough times. We are not giving out deadly advice, nor do we wish any harm. We help because of our love of birds. We have empathy and compassion and don't like to see the birds suffer.

What I am getting at is...We all offer what ever advice we can, whether that be to medicate or do nothing. Some of us have extensive knowledge on medical treatments, others know how to pour on the empathy. But we ALL have to remember, doing nothing is as much advice as doing something. If your advice is to do nothing, essentially you are also giving advice before a vet's diagnosis and you are also not qualified to offer up advice either.

I am sure the OP is well aware that he/she can take this bird to the vet. They are willing to take the advice, sight unseen here on BYC, giving their problem to us here to help diagnose and treat this bird. Period. So lets just leave our take on how we feel the situation should be handled and be done with it. Do NOT argue back and forth on this. You said your peace, now walk away. It is then up to the OP to make the final decision on how to handle the situation.

Again, lets not argue about "the need for a vet to step in, no one is qualified to give advice, blah blah blah"...Nobody needs us Mods to step in and edit, delete, give you guys the business on arguing/trolling. :p This is BYC guys. We are ALL a community with one HUGE common trait and that is poultry and the love of them. Our forums have saved thousands of birds lives and will continue to do so for eons to come.

OP, good luck with your bird, I know how difficult it is to see them ailing. :hugs

Thank you for your understanding,
~BYC Staff

I always come here for help long before a vet! Having farm animals we learn to take care of most things ourselves, and most vets send you home and tell you how to handle things anyway. The majority of us here know when it's a true vet emergency! I would be lost without BYC!!
I always come here for help long before a vet! Having farm animals we learn to take care of most things ourselves, and most vets send you home and tell you how to handle things anyway. The majority of us here know when it's a true vet emergency! I would be lost without BYC!!
We would all be lost without BYC! :D

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