Please help! I HAVE to amputate my roo's toe! **Graphic pics**

Oh my goodness, what a week you are having. I hope your Mother is okay - that's scary business!

Good Luck with this Redhen... if you're worried about cauterizing, tie a 'tourniquet' above where you are going to amputate... let it bleed just a little bit (will help flush out) then try any number of cauterizing agents available (advice for what is best has already been listed here)

You are already doing everything else right, especially in the decision to do it at all. I know it's tough, but you don't want the infection already in the toe to get worse and become lethal.

we'll be watching, praying, and thinking about this...

good luck
Thanks again everyone.

I'm going back and re-reading all the advice i've gotten..i've gotta get a definite plan in my mind and then just do it.
hubby just brought hoome a soldering iron to cauterize? will this work? its a 30 watt soldering iron..
i will..This is bad for me.. * Taking a deep breath and putting on my big girl panties now..* I'll be back later with the news.
its done..i had to use a tourniquet to stop the bleeding. then i cauterized it with the soldering seems to seal it..but when i tried to remove the rubber band it started to bleed we cauterized it again..*man THAT hurts him!
* What can i do now?? and now hes also breathing VERY heavy, he going into shock? ahhh!
Please help!
He will probably be stressed tonight (understandably). Keep him quiet, in the dark with plenty of food and water. If you have vitamins to put in his water, it probably wouldn't hurt.

I'm glad it's done! Did you have to cut through bone, or was it all soft tissue?

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