Please help! I HAVE to amputate my roo's toe! **Graphic pics**

Do i keep cauterizing it? what do i do! it wont stop bleeding when i take the rubberband off..i am trying quick stop right now..
You can do it! You have more courage than me!I'm praying that the bleeding with stop for you.
You have to cauterize it like you mean it!! I would hold the soldering iron on there for at LEAST 15 seconds, if not longer.

When you are done with the soldering iron, try quickstop or whatever you have on hand to stop bleeding.

You might try making a dish of quick stop and just put his foot in it. Surround his toe with the blood stopping agent, then take the tourniquet off.
keep applying the quikstop or cornstarch. If it comes off & bleeding starts again, do it over. and over. and over -- however long it takes. It should eventually stop, and it is FAR LESS painful & traumatic than cauterizing. I hope your roo recovers completely.
okay i took the rubberband off and it started again...not little drops..but it was welling up pretty badly. SO i tried the quick stop and it seems to have slowed down some because its caked on there.. what will happen if the quick stop dosent hold and falls off?...will he start to bleed again? WHen do i know hes out of danger for bleeding? These are dumb questions..but i just want to be sure.
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If it's slowing, that's a good sign. Just keep re-applying quick stop and pressure until it stops completely. Can you apply a bandage to it now?

I don't think he's in much danger of bleeding out completely... especially if it's slowing.
try not to dislodge the clot & quikstop while applying gentle pressure. If it does come off, re-dip the toe into the powder, making sure to completely cover the open area, getting a good, deep coating on it. If you need to, hold the foot in a small bowl or container of the powder and keep it dipped for a while. It may take some time, but the yellow quik-stop powder will stop bleeding in most cases.
Pressure Pressure Pressure... then quickstop... It will slow. Hold the foot higher than his heart (careful he can still breathe )

When you cauterize it, are you able to bring the pieces of skin together? Here's something to try.. If it slows, and you can draw the pieces together, hold them tight and draw a heavy line of superglue across it. This will serve much like a suture and help the bleeding. It needs to subside a bit first, but will be good for healing in the long run by closing the skin around any bone that may still be protruding.

Good for you Redhen... they aren't stupid questions, and you're doing great.

once you get to the bandaging point, be sure to keep a close eye on it (stupid advice of course... nothing like stating the obvious huh? sorry)
So i should bandage it now with triple antibiotic over the quick stop? What if the quick stop loosens up and he starts to bleed again during the night? or should i wait to see if the quick stop has really taken hold? again sorry for the dumb questions..i just dont want to do the wrong thing and find him dead in the morning. Thanks so very, VERY much guys!!
edited to add: rightnow the quick stop is caked on good and hes not bleeding! will he bleed if it comes off? *am i repeating questions?*
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