Please help! I HAVE to amputate my roo's toe! **Graphic pics**

The bandage will help slow the bleeding by putting pressure on the wound. So even if the quick stop loosens, he shouldn't bleed out. When you are fairly sure that the bleeding has stopped i.e. little to no blood for 10 minutes or so, you can bandage it.

Yes, bandage it with triple antibiotic!

The only stupid question is the one that isn't asked. I am glad that high country chickens is here giving great advice, too!
((sigh)) I think we did it folks! No bleeding anymore..
All i can say is thank god for you awesome people! I dont know if you really know how much all your help has helped me do the right thing for this little guy..(more than i can ever say..)
My husband also wanted me to say Thank You to you guys!!! Awesome people..thats all i can say..
And rooie thanks you also!
I took some pics..i'll post them tomorrow sometime. I feel SO much better having gotten it done!
Love you guys!
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Set your alarm to check on him in an hour... You will know if the bleeding has subsided enough to be able to sleep well... Is it possible for someone else to check him an hour after that? All for peace of mind.

LOAD quickstop in the bandage. Make a pool (pile) of it, place the toe straight in it, bring the whole thing around the toe and tape the snot out of it... (secure... not super tight) then bandage over that We just did this today on my JRTs foot at the Vet's office. (long story... has been bleeding off and on for weeks) Don't worry so much about the triple antibiotic so much just yet. First be sure the bleeding is done - if everything is sterile, it's okay for tonight to defer to quickstop. You have him on antibiotics already, as I recall, so don't be really worried about that until tomorrow.

PM me if you would like for me to call...
You need to use pressure in addition to the cauterization. Give him some boiled egg yolk to build his blood back up when he'll eat again.

And breathe deep, and relax. If it bleeds again, pressure, and cornstarch or even flour.

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