Please help ID these.......


12 Years
Sep 19, 2007
Poolville, TX
#1 What am I?

#2 What am I?

#3 What am I?

Any guesses, who knows what they are?
Last edited:
Are they bantams?

#1 looks like a Dark Coronish to me......or maybe a Barnevelder?

#2-3 Have the mille fluer color, but I dont know about the breed....

Sorry, thats all i can help
Aren't Cornish meat birds? I know these are bantams, but they are like 4 months old, shouldn't she be fatter? What are these used for eggs or meat? Just wondering.
1: Dark Cornish
Rest: No clue

I don't think there's a dark cornish bantam. Sorry to say. They're big birds and were bred for meat and nothing else. No body would eat a cornish banty!

I researched this a lot. My dark cornish is actually smaller than any chicken I've ever seen and she's not going to grow anymore! She has dwarfism.
Even though this is rarer in poultry than in humans, you may have one too.
Dark cornish aren't as large as the huge cornish x's that most people buy as meat birds. Some people keep the dark cornish hens as pets and for eggs - they lay brown eggs (don't know how many).

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