Please help identify breed, has feathered feet


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 29, 2014
Lake Isabella CA
We just picked this little one up today, they "she" is a girl, crossing my fingers on that one. Also they couldn't remember the breed name, or maybe it was lack of communication, as they didn't speak very good english. They did tell me that the skin is black, and they raise them for meat, because in the chinese culture the black skin is supposed to be better then the white and highly valued. I have heard of this before, but never came across one. Can anyone help me identify the breed and possibly the sex, "she" is 4-5 weeks from what they said.

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Looks like an Easter Egger pullet to me, though to be sure, you'll have to see what color egg she lays.
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Thank you, I am hoping she is a EE, I have been really wanting one, but the way they described her made me second guess my first thinking she was. I guess we shall wait and see LOL.
Are those feathers on her legs? She looks EE, but I've never seen a feather legged one. She may end up laying a darker green egg if she's crossed with a Marans. I have some Marans crosses that look like that.
Are those feathers on her legs? She looks EE, but I've never seen a feather legged one. She may end up laying a darker green egg if she's crossed with a Marans. I have some Marans crosses that look like that.

No, she has clean legs, she may have stepped on one and it was there for the picture. She reminds me of an EE I had several years back. Even her temperament keeps me thinking she is.
AWESOME, I am crossing my fingers.

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