Please help identify - just found in road

Nope, not a wood duck, wrong pattern
It is 100% a duck and it is def. not a mallard. I have 150 of them so i can tell. With the dots on back looks just like my muscovey ducks. But bill does look a little skinny or it just the picture. Question feel the toenails and if they are super sharp it is a muscovey. Mine can climb strait out of a plywood box
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oh boy - thank you for the replies!!! I don't want it to die of lonliness and I certainly would be willing to pick another baby @ the farm store to raise with it - there are plenty there right now. Should I get another webbed foot species or would a little chicken do? I currently have 4 RI reds & a black cochin - all a year old. Right now the only food I have on hand is layena crumbles....would that do until tomorrow night? I didn't give much thought when I snatched it out of the road - now I'm worrying like a mother hen!!! Hope it survives the night and tomorrow while I'm at work - poor thing is exhausted but when I pick it up it will put up a fuss. Thank you all soooo much!!!
I sure don't know what it is, but it sure is cute. If it has webbed feet I'd get it a duck friend, if not web footed I'd get a chick, but that's just me. Hmm I wonder if I bought some fluffy butts and told my DH that I found them running down the road if....
here is another pic - tried to get his foot (Friend of Feathers - I was wondering if my husband was going to believe me on this one but being so unprepared, I think he does

I put a little stuffed toy in with it - hope it helps til tomorrow!

I think it's a common merganser chick (duckling?). I think it would need a very high protein diet.
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