Please Help Identify my Chicken


5 Years
Sep 16, 2014
Coweta County GA
First off i am VERY new to chicken keeping, so any help would be appreciated. When we got Mouth here she/ he was supposed to be an Ameraucana ,we were told it was a she, however I am beginning to have my doubts. when we got her she was yellow with a small black spot on her head. As I recall she took longer then the others chicks to feather out, makes me think Roo from what I have read. We got her on the 1st of July at only a few days old so we can figure she is around 13 weeks old now. What I am trying to find out is if we in fact have a Roo and what breed she might be. Here are some pics hope they are good enough she is a bit camera shy.

This one was taken around the end of week one I think
These are taken around week 7

This last group was taken today around week 13

I sure hope you are right she is one of the most social chickens we have, always the first to jump in your lap when you sit down. I would HATE to have to rehome her, but the deal I made with my neighbors was no roosters.
I sure hope you are right she is one of the most social chickens we have, always the first to jump in your lap when you sit down. I would HATE to have to rehome her, but the deal I made with my neighbors was no roosters.

I hope it works out that I'm right, but I see nothing that says male on that bird.

I just said on another thread that no way I'd ever give my neighbor that much power over my life, seeing how they could change their mind on a whim (Cobb County GA ordinance thread) Even hens can make a racket, trust me! Hope the neighbor doesn't think they can manipulate you now that you've let then dictate that part of your chicken ownership. Are you legally allowed to have chickens where you live?
Yes ma'am we are out in Coweta County GA we can have all the Chickens we want, however we are trying to be respectful of the people who live near by.
Well, she's a pullet, IMO. If you don't have any laying yet, those girls can make a TON of noise at egg time, as much as any rooster. Hope the neighbor doesn't complain about that.

I'm sorry, I know you didn't ask my opinion but I'd just been on that thread about the Cobb County ordinance and it was really burning me up, LOL. I just figure my neighbor didn't ask me if he could have his barking dog so I'm certainly not asking it I can have chickens. Best of luck to you!
None yet but we hope our BG will start laying very soon. At this point the neighbors just have to deal with our girls, the same way we deal with them cutting the grass at 7:00 on a Saturday morning
. Cobb County is a mess that's why we moved south of the city. Plus less traffic.
None yet but we hope our BG will start laying very soon. At this point the neighbors just have to deal with our girls, the same way we deal with them cutting the grass at 7:00 on a Saturday morning
. Cobb County is a mess that's why we moved south of the city. Plus less traffic.
Good for you staying away from Cobb. Their chicken ordinances are prohibitive and that county is a horrible mess, true. Hope you get lots of eggs and a pretty blue or green one from that little EE of yours.

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