Please help if you can with duck's cause of death - necropsy photos included


5 Years
Apr 19, 2014
West Chester, PA, USA
I just got back an interim report on our little girl that died on Sunday. Most of the toxicology reports other than the AI test are still pending, The vet at this point thinks the cause of death was fibrous material in her gizzard. They sent me pics because I requested them, and I have no idea what this stuff is. I cannot even believe this amount of stuff could fit in the gizzard of a little 19 ounce duck. I am sick over this. I have to find out what this is, so please help me if you have any suggestions. I cannot think of anything in our yard that looks like this. It looks like something that came out of a swamp.

I'm going to put a bunch of returns in here in case people don't want to see the pics.

Thanks so much, and love you all to death,
I'm so sorry for the loss of your duck. I was brave enough to look at the pics hoping to indentify what it was. There are no pics.

That is just beyond bizarre. They were there when I did the post and now they're gone? Do the moderators remove things like that even though they aren't gross?
I can get them if I click quote where you posted they come up for me there. and beleive me they are not grafic enough for a mod to take them off.
Oh good they came up.
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I am thinking, guessing, brainstorming. Hugs.

Plants that have fibers that we make fabric out of include flax and nettle. Some grasses, once they get past a certain developmental point, get very, very fibrous. Rye, for example. Even buckwheat stems can get very stringy and fibrous if they are mature (like, they have formed seeds already).

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