Please Help- Incubator failure


Jul 23, 2018
NSW Australia
Ok so I feel like an absolute goose posting this and I cannot blame anyone but myself...

I have a Borotto real 49 plus, these have 2 power sockets 1 for temperature and one for automatic turner. At day 10 I candled this was all good. I have not plugged in the automatic turner and today is day 18, when I have gone to take eggs from turner tray I have realised the turner has not been powered for past 8 days. Temperature and humidity have been fine and stable eggs haven’t been turned.

I have candles again today and can’t see any problems.

What is the prognosis? Will not turning eggs create any issues or problems ? These are chicken eggs.

Thanks BYC
It can lead to weak chicks not able to externally pip and yolks stuck to membrane, and concentration of blood vessels all increasing mortality rate during hatch. The ones that do hatch should be strong. The beginning is more crucial than the end. At day 18 there is nothing that can be done now.
I had a twenty hour power outage on day 10 of incubation and kinda gave up on those eggs for a few days before I candled to discard them and a bunch were still viable, 12 hatched out of 45.
It can lead to weak chicks not able to externally pip and yolks stuck to membrane, and concentration of blood vessels all increasing mortality rate during hatch. The ones that do hatch should be strong. The beginning is more crucial than the end. At day 18 there is nothing that can be done now.
I had a twenty hour power outage on day 10 of incubation and kinda gave up on those eggs for a few days before I candled to discard them and a bunch were still viable, 12 hatched out of 45.
Thank you I have speckled Sussex, buff Sussex and silver laced Wyandottes I am really hoping that I still get a good hatch. I am worried that 10 days without turner on will be not good.
Thank you I have speckled Sussex, buff Sussex and silver laced Wyandottes I am really hoping that I still get a good hatch. I am worried that 10 days without turner on will be not good.
They were turned for the first week right?

If they are still alive they should be fine.

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