Please Help Is This Mites??

I have to agree, they look like lice. Not real hard to get rid of, but a pain nonetheless. But you do need to treat every chicken and your coop - and you'll need to do it every 5-7 days about 3 times so you kill the unhatched lice. The lice eggs are not affected by the pesticides and will continue to hatch. You can also use poultry dust for lice - I got mine at TSC - and put in a clearly remarked baby powder bottle - and just sprinkle some on the hens. For the coop, everytime I change the bedding, I shake some on the floor and in the corners to kill any mites or lice that are hiding in the coop.

ANd don't worry about getting them yourself. They may get on you, but chicken lice are host specific - even if they get on you they won't live long.

Good Luck

In the big scheme of things with my chickens - lice are the least thing I worry about - I know I can cure that problem and it's not life threatening unless it's left untreated for a long time. It's the opossum that ate my silkie, bumblefoot and bad crops that I worry about.
Could I spray the bedding with the Adams Flea and Tick spray? This would be my first time dealing with diseases so I m clueless. I have lost two chickens to Coyotes, Lost 1 to a ??? I have had to nurse chickens back from dog attacks. I am housing a friends chicken right now that had almost all its feathers missing because the other hens had plucked them, so I am trying to make sure she does not get them. I am sure there is more to come, the fun of having chickens.

Thanks For The Help Every One
Hi I always do the double duty on new birds first i powder them down with poultry dust,Then at the same time i worm them with ivermec which kills the worms and all the external parasites at the same time.a couple drops down the throat is all it takes.
Here is what i do for mites and lice. Pull all shavings (bedding) out of the coop. Spray down the inside of the coop with the Adams Flea and Tick Spray with IGR (insect growth regulator). The IGR is supposed to catch any future hatchlings, although i do find i still need to treat within 10 days or so to catch everybody. Make sure to spray everywhere, on the roosts, in the corners, all inside the nest boxes. Put down poultry dust on the floor and in the next boxes, then fresh shavings on top of that. i use Ivermectin Pour-On for Cattle. You can get a big 8.5 fl oz bottle at the feed store for $20. i put drops on the back of each chicken's neck, directly on the skin. Some folks use a syringe to do the drops. i have an empty bottle of ivermectin i bought on ebay, small dropper bottle, kinda like one that eyedrops come in, and i syringe the ivermectin into that and then it dispenses drops very neatly. Anyhow, treat every single chicken - 1 drop for small bantam, 2 for regular bantam, 3 for large bantam, 4-5 drops for standard chickens. You can dust them with poultry dust, too, if you want. But i find the ivermectin seems to get the bugs just fine. Be sure to retreat the chickens in 7-10 days.

It also helps to sprinkle food grade DE in the dirt in your pen, as a preventative, so the girls can dust bath in it. DE is good as a preventative, but once you have a full blown infestation, you need to bring in the big guns.

Good luck. It is a pain dealing with creepy crawlies, but it's just one of those things that come with having chickens.
My coop was blown away in a big storm so I setup a small dog run/kennel in my garage so space was tight so I just put him in even tho I really did not want to. I learned my lesson tho
So I put the kennel outside and put plastic on it so know I will have enough room now
How often do you treat with Ivermectin and can the eggs still be eaten or do they have to be discarded and if so for how long?
i have read that withdrawal time is two weeks also . . . . . although, i do use the eggs sooner than that for personal use. Would never give eggs to anyone in less than that time in case they may have a sensitivity to the medication.

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