My original flock consisted of 6 chicks and 1 roo. When they were about 8 weeks old I added 3 addl chicks that were the same size and age as the original flock. After a couple of weeks things settled down but the flock is now 15 weeks old and those 3 that I added at the later date seem to always be on the "outside looking in"....even at night on the roost those three are at the opposite end of the roost away from the other group. I also have a 2nd coop where there are 9 EE's approx 9 weeks old. I was thinking should I take those three loners from the first flock and move them to the 2nd coop in with the younger EE's in hopes that since the 3 are older and bigger they would possibly be accepted better by the younger group? I need some seasoned guidance on this as I do not want to make a mistake. This pecking order thing and status is really a big deal with chickens!