Please help me identify Rodney's breed

I disagree. My Charlie (who looks like a Hatch, thanks for the link
) is the biggest wimp in the yard. He runs from the OEGB boys, who are barely half his size!!
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hi all, had a scare this morning. i didn't see rodney this morning. couldn't find him in any of the foliage or even behind the shed. couldn't hear him either. after chasing off a cat in the morning, then one later at night, then seeing one this morning again i was afraid they killed and ate him or dragged him off. but i decided he's probably somewhere and began todays work on the chicken run. about a half hour in i hear him casually cluck and look out to see him squeeze out from UNDER the shed. he's pretty safe under there with only about an 8" clearing from the ground.

does anyone else have a rooster that seems to sleep in that late lol?

also a question...
what is all of your opinions on how many birds i could keep in a 36" x 30" coop? it has a perch 20" from the bottom that spans the width of the coop at 36". the front highest point is 45" tall and the lowest back is 30" tall. there will also be a single nesting box in the corner of 12"w 14"h 10"d". the run is 8' long by 36" wide with an extra 30" under the coop. how many hens could fit in with rodney, 2 or 3?

the bug seems to be biting me and of coarse i'd rather have 3 hens than 2 but don't want to crowd the coop.
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2 hens.
and he slept so late cause he's used to sleeping outside roost'n and the sun wakes him,, under the shed, it was dark, so he naturally thought it was still night

is there room under there for me? hehe

i just put the winter plywood on my coop door, my roo's sleep till its bout half hour after sunrise

EDIT: ta say,,, thats 2 game hens,, for full size hens i would only go 1,,but,, as much as you care for ya roo ,, i can see 24 of em stuffed in there,,
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He wishes!

are rhode island reds considered game size or full {=/ they didn't look to big to me in the pics
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alrighty, here's a pic of his right spur and a video where you can see his spurs. this is from this morning.

once again

and here's just a nice full frame photo. see what i mean by white around the base of his feathers in the first pic? is that just rubbing up against the plants?


i picked up a 40 pound bag of layer feed for $14 at a place that is only 1.6 miles away from me !

ok back to work on the run
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Good luck with your new friend
I agree that some hens in the coop will certainly make him take interest
LOL You know, you could always find him some girls and take the time between now and March to build or expand your coop for the chicks!
You know, we encourage getting MORE chickens
I think you are just wonderful for taking in this guy! He probably will never realize just how lucky he was to land in YOUR yard, but we realize it!

We have a mixed flock of 20 or so hens. We have every size from tiny Japanese to big round cochins, even a Jersey Giant! This spring we rescued a mature rooster, and introduced him to our flock with great nervousness. He is the best thing to ever happen to our ladies! Dont worry about the size or breed of the hens. Rodney wont! Our Chesters favorite lady is one of the Japanese, and one of the Rhode Island Reds! Go figure. One is bigger than him, one is half his size. neither are his color!
Its true birds of a feather flock together, but roosters arent that picky!!

Dont worry about trying to coop him just yet. Go find some nice plump ladies (older would be better for him to begin with
) put them in the run, and watch how quickly he invites himself in, and then close the door. Or better yet, put him in with them at night if you can, while they are all quiet. But if he's still loose when you get the hens, they will catch him for you!

Then leave him in the run and coop for a few days. The ladies will show him where to roost, after about 3-4 days of this, you could let them free range, they will take themselves in at nightfall.

Good Luck! and enjoy all those tasty eggs!
well i'd say he's over a year old,, almost maybe 1 1/2 mine was 2 years old, and ya seen the size of his spurs.
and i dont think that roo looks like he's even been in a scuffle,, he is in EXCELLENT shape for a game.
after your done building,, you should see if the lady down the road will let ya use 1 of her hens some day,, put the hen in the coop,, ( tie her so she dont run off) and lay in wait for the fast door closing hehe

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