Please help me kill this ermine-nothing is working!

Dig out your traps.
Tips i use for success with my traps are,
I keep my havahears outside. If you have them inside they may smell like motor oil, exhast, humans etc, whatever they are stored with.
My box weasel traps are wood but i keep them outside too, only covered to keep rain off. If they are used by mice even better as weasel prey on mice and it will smell safe and intersting. I just clean out the mouse nest, set it with fresh raw piece of chicken. Place your trap against the coop wall and maybe lean a piece of plywood over it to shelter it from snow And rain.
Dont leave the same meat in your trap day to day. Use a fresh bloody piece each night.
Next time he kills one of your chickens, use a piece of that bird as bait. It works for me every time, almost like he recogonizes it as His.
Keep us updated how this goes.
I shot one of those little, um... critters once with a muzzle loader rifle. :p I wouldn’t recommend it, but I hear tell some folks use a shovel. You use what you happen to be holding, and once in a while it may turn out to be overkill. Since you do occasionally see it, maybe you should be carrying something to protect your girls. The traps are probably more likely to bring success, but you never know.
I shot one of those little, um... critters once with a muzzle loader rifle. :p I wouldn’t recommend it, but I hear tell some folks use a shovel. You use what you happen to be holding, and once in a while it may turn out to be overkill. Since you do occasionally see it, maybe you should be carrying something to protect your girls. The traps are probably more likely to bring success, but you never know.

Whatever gets the job done w/o you getting hurt; those devils don't play nice at all

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