Please help me out Fast as soon as u all can do :'(


6 Years
Oct 9, 2013
Before three days my Baby chick was having someproblem, as i am new on this, so its seems like she was not able to walk her feet turned into blue, and she isn't able to walk just sitting, and keep sleeping, wont eat, wont drink anything, then two days i work hard on her like feeding her with syringe and give lil amount of Raw milk with same amount of water, u know they cant digest and can have diarrhea, so On, I give her Powder of mix lentils, Coriander leaves, tomatoes (her favorite) with water, then she had a poop like runny water, in brown in color and thick..
then on the next day i saw her she was sitting perfectly, her leg was looks perfect but she wasn't moving.. nor eating and drinking after i hv to put a drinker in front of her.. then i feed her egg yolk.. i know may be its not a gud choice.. may be.. cuz I told u i am just new in it.. then i tried to drink her one sip of Sugar water, just 4 or few pieces of small regular sugar in it .. she was acting like she like that water, then some where i read abt apple Cider vinegar.. then from today i am a giving her this too, but Luckily she stands and Starts running from yesterday but still sleepy, her legs are perfectly fine like other baby chicks,..
Any Home remedies for making my Baby chick healthy like before, and away her weakness? please reply me soon thnk u in Advance!!
She may have a vitamin deficiency or a condition called splay leg when the legs are too far apart to walk. Another condition is slipped tendon or perosis where one leg turns outward making if difficult to walk. I would give 1-2 drops of baby vitamins daily. Putting a little water in her chicken feed may help her to eat. Click on this link for treatment:
Before three days my Baby chick was having someproblem, as i am new on this, so its seems like she was not able to walk her feet turned into blue, and she isn't able to walk just sitting, and keep sleeping, wont eat, wont drink anything, then two days i work hard on her like feeding her with syringe and give lil amount of Raw milk with same amount of water, u know they cant digest and can have diarrhea, so On, I give her Powder of mix lentils, Coriander leaves, tomatoes (her favorite) with water, then she had a poop like runny water, in brown in color and thick..

You know not to do that again.

then on the next day i saw her she was sitting perfectly, her leg was looks perfect but she wasn't moving.. nor eating and drinking after i hv to put a drinker in front of her.. then i feed her egg yolk.. i know may be its not a gud choice.. may be.. cuz I told u i am just new in it..

You now know that doing the research before obtaining an animal is necessary. For quick absorption of nutrients to a weak chick, I've found that Poultry Nutri-Drench works very well. 1 drop orally for a chick is all that is needed.

then i tried to drink her one sip of Sugar water, just 4 or few pieces of small regular sugar in it .. she was acting like she like that water, then some where i read abt apple Cider vinegar.. then from today i am a giving her this too, but Luckily she stands and Starts running from yesterday but still sleepy, her legs are perfectly fine like other baby chicks,..
Any Home remedies for making my Baby chick healthy like before, and away her weakness? please reply me soon thnk u in Advance!!

You can't believe everything you read. Apple cider vinegar serves no purpose and has none of the nutritional requirements needed for chicks. If anything, use Probios dispersible powder added to vitamin electrolyte powder in water at least 3 days a week. Like Eggcessive said, the best thing you can do supplement water with vitamin and electrolyte powder. Do not give human vitamins to chicks. They are formulated for humans, NOT birds. Give a good quality starter/grower feed and start sprinkling chick grit in it once they are beyond 2 weeks old.There are diseases caused by lack of nutrient balance. I suspect that was the problem from the beginning.
thnx a bunch, i will be careful next time and Hopefully my baby chick will recover soon!
Keep in mind that if she is being fed all this stuff other then chick starter then she also needs grit to digest it. Personally I'd stop all the other stuff, just feed her a good commercial chick starter and some vitamins as mentioned. And make sure she's warm enough. Does she have a heat lamp?
Keep in mind that if she is being fed all this stuff other then chick starter then she also needs grit to digest it. Personally I'd stop all the other stuff, just feed her a good commercial chick starter and some vitamins as mentioned. And make sure she's warm enough. Does she have a heat lamp?

thnx a bunch, yeah she do have a Heat lamp although in my country its already 95* at afternoon and in night almost 75, so i used heat lamp only in night (although its outside temperature from my house (its actually a backyard.. even i wasn't giving this all before like whole day i know it can be overdose so like one sip of raw milk, one sip of ACV,.. and with the syringe i grind the starter and make it like a powder and mixed with a plain (bottled) water..and gave it by Syringe.. but now She is very well.. now she is walking also, she is eating her food (Starter feed) again like before.. i am just waiting when she/he will proton weight.. I am happy, and Very a Big Thanks to GOd, cuz he Accepted my Prayers for him/her.. u know i am feling like he/she is my own baby.. so yeah i am very touched with him/her...., and thnk u all who really helped me out, i just wanna tell u all, Stop giving ACV to the Animals (Specially Birds) u know it will gonna all mess up on their system.. surely it will help like we can see for their watery poop.. but in the inside we can't say what its giving to their respiratory system... cuz after giving ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) make my chick very Weak, unhealthy,and other problems, like weak him/her Bones as well, less in energy.. so i think we should stop giving ACV specially to the Chicks or any kind of bird..
Thank fully i tried for only one sip for my chick.. not given to all.. and after three days from given day of ACV, i did hard to feed him/her.. via by hands and syringe, giving water to him/her with a pinch of salt in one liter water..
Thnx u all who helped me, i had given him/her Vitamins also..
thnkie thnkie thnkie

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