PLEASE HELP~ me sex my babies!

NOLA yard birds

9 Years
May 4, 2014
Hey y'all,

My dad recently gave me 3 baby chicks. We love them all and cannot believe how much fun they are! However, in New Orleans we are not allowed to have roosters. My in-laws live in a rural area in north Louisiana and they have a friend who will take my roosters for me and treat them well. The babies are only 3-4 weeks old which I know is young to sex BUT next week we are going up for a visit and I would like to bring up any roosters I have (to save myself a trip later and to avoid getting any more attached). I have been reading all of the forums but I do not trust my own judgment and I am trying to be the best chicken mommy I can be! Below I have attached pics and I would really appreciate any help y'all can give!


- We were told that he/she is a barred rock chicken

- We were told that he/she is a production red

- We were never told what type of chicken he/she is and we cannot figure it out. I know that questions is supposed to go on a different forum but if anyone knows please let me know. She is definitely the nut of the family and great entertainment. haha


That looks like way too much red in the face for a pullet. I do believe this one needs to take a trip. The second I would guess is a pullet. The last bird I believe is a crested polish. The Feathers on its crest will tell you what gender it is. If they are rounded then it is a pullet. If they are skinny and pointed it is a cockerel. Good luck with your new chicks.!
Napoleon is a Barred Plymouth Rock cockerel. Fancy appears to be a production red cockerel, but I'm not 100% sure on gender with him. Annabeth is Buff or Buff Laced Polish, and is probably a pullet.
Omgosh this is upsetting!

Thank y'all so so much for responding. I guess we need to get Annabeth a sister so that she wont be alone when Napoleon and Fancy get re-homed

So what do I look for when finding her a sister? Like how do y'all know they are boys?
I know they are boys because of the red combs, early developing wattles and slower feathering. But I'd hold onto them until they either crow or lay an egg so you can be sure.
Napoleon is a Barred Plymouth Rock cockerel. Fancy appears to be a production red cockerel, but I'm not 100% sure on gender with him. Annabeth is Buff or Buff Laced Polish, and is probably a pullet.


If you are thinking about getting more and at a feed store, I'd say to pick from the pullet bin. There's a 10% chance it may be a roo, but it's better than picking from a straight run. If you're picking from hatched eggs from family or a friend, I'd look up the breed and try to find sexing methods before you pick one up. Of course this isn't 100% either, unless it's sex linked, but I think it'll give you a better chance. When picking out young chicks, look at their stance. A roo with hold himself more upright and a pullet will look hunched/crouched. If they're getting feathers, look for one with more feather growth, especially in the tail area. It's been my experience that males feather in slower and don't get tail feathers until they're about 4-5 weeks. Also look for a pink or red face (comb and wattles). Boys will be the first to get this (usually around 4-6 weeks). Hens won't get red in the face until they're about 5-6 months when they will first start to lay.

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