please help me tell if i have a rooster


In the Brooder
Aug 27, 2019
so this is my 1st try @ this. i bought 3 browns from local store. i asked if they were all hens and was told yes. now the runt of the litter is the biggest while developing a much bigger comb, jowls, pointier feathers, and has some green tint to tail feathers. I'm just a little nervous and hope i'm just paranoid. but i was reading that there is a 10 percent chance they are sexed wrong. any help appreciated.


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It looks like a cockerel to me too. How old, and what breed?

Thank you. i think it is about 6-7 wks old. Not quite sure about the breed. At the store i asked for brown egg laying kind. All three birds looked nearly identical until recently. then i noticed this one had a curved comb. since then, it has had a growth spurt and slightly surpassed the others in size. all it's attributes being a little more pronounced.
thanks for the replys everyone. so about the 6-7 weeks.... I did some thinking about that estimate. i have never kept strict records, it was more of a guess. but i remembered that i sent a photo to mom when i got them from the feed store. it dated jun 27 which means they are at least 2 months old plus i'm thinking they were at least a week old before i got them. so this puts them at 9 plus weeks. i was way off. sorry for bad information. and i did some research of breed. by looking at lots of pictures, im thinking they are rhode island reds.

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