Please help me with my duckling that is having trouble walking.


May 24, 2020
I have a crested duck that is only about 6 months old. When she was a duckling, one day she couldn’t walk and just kept falling down or leaning every time. I read online that a niacin deficiency could cause this so I gave her a capsules containing some and she got better. I thought she was better and she hadn’t done it since March. Then today she couldn’t get back up after my dad picked her up and she freaked out. Finally I got her calm and she started to walk more normal and swim some, only stumbling a few times. Is this a niacin deficiency again or a disease that I am not searching for.
I have no idea how to run this site.

No worries, I flagged him by invoking his name as I did, with the "@" symbol in front. Since he has not yet responded, let me try @WVduckchick. Problem is it's late. They may not respond until tomorrow. You'll just have to be patient. I have to sign off too, but I wish you much luck and I will check on you tomorrow, ok? Good night!
I have a crested duck that is only about 6 months old. When she was a duckling, one day she couldn’t walk and just kept falling down or leaning every time. I read online that a niacin deficiency could cause this so I gave her a capsules containing some and she got better. I thought she was better and she hadn’t done it since March. Then today she couldn’t get back up after my dad picked her up and she freaked out. Finally I got her calm and she started to walk more normal and swim some, only stumbling a few times. Is this a niacin deficiency again or a disease that I am not searching for.

Hi there!

Sorry to hear about your duck! I hope you are aware of the risks of keeping crested ducks, their head is vaulted which makes them very prone to neurological damage, if neurological damage was present you'd likely see ataxia, seizures, uninterested in daily actives, alteration in the duck behavior, etc. So that is something we need to take well into consideration before moving forward.

Could you upload a video of your duck walking and copy/paste it here? Also, what brand of niacin are you giving her, at what dose, how often, and how are you administering it?
Hi there!

Sorry to hear about your duck! I hope you are aware of the risks of keeping crested ducks, their head is vaulted which makes them very prone to neurological damage, if neurological damage was present you'd likely see ataxia, seizures, uninterested in daily actives, alteration in the duck behavior, etc. So that is something we need to take well into consideration before moving forward.

Could you upload a video of your duck walking and copy/paste it here? Also, what brand of niacin are you giving her, at what dose, how often, and how are you administering it?
I don’t have any videos because she does it spontaneously. She steps and stands on her own feet after it. The niacin is nature’s bounty 250mg capsules that I split in half and put in water. If it is neurological damage will it kill her or can she live with it. My husky has seizures and she is on a medicine but I don’t think they make medicine like that for ducks. Would a vet that does poultry be able to tell me what it was or not?
There is a much better niacin supplement and it's at Tractor Supply for $16.99. 1ml over a treat to be sure they get the whole thing in their system. I don't like putting it in water because it dilutes it so much plus the ducks are very messy with water and spill tons.

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I don’t have any videos because she does it spontaneously. She steps and stands on her own feet after it. The niacin is nature’s bounty 250mg capsules that I split in half and put in water. If it is neurological damage will it kill her or can she live with it. My husky has seizures and she is on a medicine but I don’t think they make medicine like that for ducks. Would a vet that does poultry be able to tell me what it was or not?

Try to get me a video next time, if you can. You are putting 125mg per how much of water? A Vet may prescribe Diazepam or Phenobarbital initially to reduce the frequency of the seizures, but the underlying cause should still be addressed through diagnostic test's such as CBC, Biochemistries, specific test ‘s for detecting levels of toxins, radiographs, electroencephalograms, electromyograms, auditory evoke potentials, CT scans, and MR, physical examination and the past history of the bird. If the vet is unable to find a cause of the seizures it may be diagnosed as epilepsy.
Try to get me a video next time, if you can. You are putting 125mg per how much of water? A Vet may prescribe Diazepam or Phenobarbital initially to reduce the frequency of the seizures, but the underlying cause should still be addressed through diagnostic test's such as CBC, Biochemistries, specific test ‘s for detecting levels of toxins, radiographs, electroencephalograms, electromyograms, auditory evoke potentials, CT scans, and MR, physical examination and the past history of the bird. If the vet is unable to find a cause of the seizures it may be diagnosed as epilepsy.
How do you know if it is a seizure? My dog has epilepsy but I don’t know how a duck has seizures. All she does is get wobbly and when trying to get up falls, leans, or stumbles over her own feet. And with this kill her or can she live with it her whole life
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