Please Help, Need Advice


In the Brooder
Jun 22, 2017
Southern New Mexico
Hello, all! I am not a breeder, but have future interests in it when I'm hopefully better able to.

I need some help and advice. I have what I believe is a gambel chick.

We had a bad dust/wind storm yesterday afternoon and two wild kids were displaced from their cubby. I waited and watched over them for hours hoping their parents would find them, but they imprinted on me. I know it's horrid in a way to take them in, but I couldn't let the stray cat that hangs around get them.

They couldn't be even a week old.
One of them passed away early this morning. These kids were weak. The second is more lively but I'm afraid for it.

I've been reading through these forums since last night and I have unmediated chick grower/starter, and a suitable waterer and taking the precautions so he doesn't drown. I even have pine flakes as the cover for the bin I have him in.
He/she/it has drank and eaten some--periodically during the day usually after long naps.

I do not have a hearing lamp and couldn't find a smallish one that I was certain wouldn't cook this kid if I bought it. All the had was a huge lamp and 250watt red bulbs at the tractor supply here. I haven't been able to check our other feed store yet.

This kid likes to snuggle in a towel against ME for his warm naps.......

Please, I know this is far fetched and a long plea, but any advise as to caring for this adorable little monster is appreciated.

Also, is there anyone in Southern New Mexico here that raises these little guys? Or at least takes them in. We do not have regular fish and game here anymore and I can't find any sanctuary that will take him, much less answer my questions at all..

Thank you!
Um I'm not a quail owner, but if you cant find anyone to take him, they're similar to chickens, you can use a normal bulbs if need be, just make sure they cant come into physical contact, and have them in a big enough area that he can move away if he's hot. If you want him to bond with other chicks I'd advise a seller whith chicks currently, as hatching your own would probably make it to late for him to form any real strong bonds after being whith you for so long (plus hed out compete) if you can get 3 or 4 more chicks they will also pile together to share heat, comfort, play and snuggle. And make sure they have constant food and water! Bam five second advice on something I have no experience whith other than actual chickens! Oh and if you have chickens do NOT take him near them. Chickens pass on disease and sicknesses that can kill a quail chick.
Aww, yes he definitely needs heat, red bulb is best for resting. Other than that it sounds like you have him set up well :) be aware it may just start bursting into little flights soon so mind ceilings fans, candles, hot stove, etc. - things that could hurt it if it flew in to it.
Thank you both!
I don't know anyone who raises quail anywhere near here. I want the best for this kid and will do my best to give him that.

FLYING?? Lol I read that in these forums, but goodness I can't imagine that tiny little thing doing that yet. But I will invest in some mesh netting for the top of the bin to make sure his little feathered butt doesnt do that.
It's 20% unmedicated chick starter/grower. I was looking for something higher but I was unsure what else would work for him (thank you for the info) and finding it is another matter.
I'm going to our main feed store soon as it opens here at the turn of the hour to see what they have.
Wait what percent protein is your starter feed? I assumed it was game bird starter but if it's for chickens, the quail chick is going to need a higher percentage, about 25% - some people use UNmedicated turkey feed, crushed up or supplement with shredded mealworms to increase the protein :)
You can also set him up with a mama heating pad if you are uncomfortable with the lights. I've used it for mu chickens and it worked for the quail as well. Do a search on mama heating pad.

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