PLEASE HELP!!! New Chick - few hours old, PROBLEM!


12 Years
May 29, 2007
New York
I have chicks that are hatching (broody-hen method). I've had chickens, raised chicks, but never hatched any of my own yet until now.

The first chick hatched a few hours ago. I left it alone with broody-momma not wanting to bother them. When I checked on them, I saw that the chick had moved and somehow had managed to get stuck under the hen and in between the unhatched eggs, flat on it's back with legs wiggling in the air. I gently scooped the chick up to help reposition it and I noticed what appears to be pink intestines coming out in between its legs...

The chick seems very lethargic, eyes closed, but does peep and crawl about if forced.

Again, being completely new to hatching chicks from eggs, I'm not sure if the "pink intestines" is really just tissue from hatching or is there really is a serious problem

Sorry, it's not the nest picture....(the grey thing is it's leg tucked):

Any ideas? I'm not sure what's "normal" with hatching... First hatch, first chick - I'm just very nervous and overly concerned :(

(FYI, baby is back under mom)
That does not look normal to me... I've never seen that on any of my chicks. I hope someone here knows more and can help. I'm so sorry...
Yeah... In the pit of my stomach I feel like that isn't normal... :( I'm not sure what could have happened. Do you think the hen could have stepped on it? Thank you for taking a look though. I appreciate it.

Anyone else have an idea of what the problem is? Chick's still alive [for now...]
Nevermind, momma hen [accidently] crushed it

RIP little one. You were gorgeous and iIm so sorry your life ended so shortly.
I am so sorry. I don't think it would have made it anyway, but it doesn't make it any easier. I lost two chicks due to a larger hen getting through the fencing and trying to take over the nest. It was horrible, so I know a little bit about how you must be feeling.

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