Please Help! Not sure if my chick is a rooster


In the Brooder
Apr 12, 2018
Hi, I have two chicks around 5, 6 weeks old and one of my chicks are showing charactsitics that make me nervous. underneath her beak is starting to turn red but her wings look like hen wings. It's a buff Orpington. I'm hoping that she is just growing faster then my other chickens. Some pics are below.

And what do I do if she is a rooster? I'm not allowed to have roosters in my neighborhood.
tumbleweed wing.jpeg
tumble 2.jpeg
Also she doesn' seem very dominant. She's usually sitting down and very calm, if that makes since
It's a boy. If you can't keep him I would advise putting an ad on Craigslist for a free rooster or asking at your local feed stores if they know of someone who might want him. You should also think about getting another pullet if you only have one-- they are social animals and hate being alone.

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