Please help not sure what's wrong Bumble foot? broken leg? Injuries from fighting/ predator attack?


Thank you my friend for taking the time to read all of this and weigh in.

Okay so a few answers to your questions and comments.

That has also been our experience with bumble foot because I'm so in tune with the flock and notice subtle changes. We've never had anything more than an extremely mild swelling and small scab with no kernel inside, of course before we knew that was possible we did surgery. Now for those cases we don't need to. That's why we have been able to save two hens that had impacted crops also bc of me noticing subtle changes that DH2B couldn't see. You remember how sick Jazzy got?

I see no mites but he might have some mild scaley leg mites I can't really tell right now. If he does recover, I hope, I will treat for scaley leg mites after if it seems he needs it. They shouldn't affect his wing though at all bc they stay under the leg scales. So I don't think it could be mites or parasites.

I'm not sure about the tendon thing I feel like if it was a torn tendon it wouldn't be affecting his foot and he probably wouldn't use the leg. Idk.

I could bathe him but we don't have a blow dryer and I don't want him to get cold. When my Mom is feeling better(sick right now) I may consider having her bring hers over and trying it. That being said idk if it's a good idea while he has wounds as bacteria could be washed in. It would also be a lot easier if that darn ground hog that got in the cupboards this spring hadn't chewed off the sprayer nozzle hose in the kitchen lol.

We will give him a more thorough once then twice over today when we check his bandages and take pictures.

He's in a cardboard box with about six inches of shavings in our side room. So no traffic, no animals allowed and nothing sharp to hurt himself. We do walk through the next room regularly but the door is closed and even if he flapped there's nothing to get hurt on but I appreciate the idea bc it could happen.

Yes the swelling is what worries me most too. And the fact that it seems to keep coming on extremely quickly.

I may call the vet to see what it would cost to just bring him in but it would have to wait until this weekend. I really don't know what to do.
Thanks we will be getting them about 4 pm when DH2B gets home. As I'm trying to be as gentle as possible now thinking he may have a broken leg I'm trying to be careful about moving him and removing his bandages.

He's a very good patient and up until yesterday only ever fidgeted once when we gave his antibiotic shot. Yesterday it seemed that his leg was sensitive like it hasn't really been. Or maybe that it's been two of us working on him previously so someone supported his leg while the other wrapped it. Idk
I'm also waiting on pics, but is it possible he has infected feather follicles or feather cysts? It's not all that common but can happen especially if there was an injury to the area. You may be dealing with an injury that led to infection. I would not lance the wing until you get some pics posted and more advice on possible diagnosis. Mainly because it can be tricky if it is follicle infection as there is lots of blood flow to those areas.
Hi thank you for your response yes my plan is to post pics and wait for responses on the wing before we lance it.

We had a feather follicle infection in an English orp last summer that we lanced which really didn't bleed it was very red and inflamed but the infection had not spread. He healed up wonderfully and has no further trouble. It had created a pus/fluid filled boil that we drained with a syringe before making a small incision and pulling out the messed up feather that was growing wrong.

I had thought about that being what this roo had but the massive amount of leg swelling and small black scab on the bottom of his foot made me think bumblefoot. That and the massive scab on his wing. Idk.

I think you will all be surprised when you see the photos I know I was surprised last night when I found the wing lesion too.

We do have confirmed Marek's here but it only ever affected one group of juveniles and that ended in March.

These do not look like any photos of Marek's feather follicle tumors I can find so I feel that it's not related. I just wanted you all to have all the facts. Plus this boy is going on 14 months so I don't feel it's likely at all.
Marek's was also a concern I had thought of but didn't wanna go there without pics. Hopefully, with all the great wealth of knowledge the people on this site have we can get it narrowed down and help the lil guy get to feeling better.
Warning some of these photos could be considered graphic.


In the above photo you can see my sweet little roo. If you look at his right wing you can see the wound or whatever it is that's on his wing. You can see there's a feather sticking out of the middle of it. While I did trim that feather I didn't pull it out and didn't cut it too short in case we did need to pull it.


Here's a close up of his wing injury. The scab is a thick black scab and it's swollen and puffy it is slightly bleeding or weeping on the top and right edge in the photos. Just very very slightly just enough to see.


This is the wing injury with a prid container for size.


This is his wing open so you can see the location of the injury. It doesn't seem sore and does seem to open entirely. Although the last portion might not move as well. I can't feel any broken bones.


In the above photo you can see the bottom of his(affected left) foot the hole in the bottom is from bumblefoot surgery. Originally it appeared a lot darker than it appears now. You can also see the color difference in the bottom of the foot pad.
The yellow stuff on the left side of the foot in the pic in the thick almost pus consistency stuff that seems to have healthy tissue under it. Although I've been washing the foot perhaps the ointment is causing it.
The dark spot to the upper left of the bumble surgery hole is one of the scabs that was there before the surgery. It is healing very well it seems.


This is the bad leg from the back.


Here's another angle on the bottom of his foot. On the left side below the yellow stuff is where the other scab was that also had a feather sticking out of it. When we pulled the scab out it left a quite deep hole but has scabbed over and seems okay.

In this photo you can also see his leg. I can't decide if it seems broken or if it's a trick of the swelling.


Here's a top view of his foot. Unfortunately his feathers were in the way.


The last photo is a side view of his foot better showing the scabs and and the white/yellow stuff and such. It also shows the splotchiness of the color of his foot.

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated for our sweet little boy.

Thank you all.

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