Please help not sure what's wrong Bumble foot? broken leg? Injuries from fighting/ predator attack?

Cut his foot open with a sharp, sterilised scalpel or knife (I use an old filleting knife), get rid of the pus (there are tutorials around here somewhere), then sterlise everything, bandage it hard and tight, and find some penicillin.

Penicillin is less than twelve dollars for a small bottle at TSC. I'm sure there's a feed store in your area where you can get it. You'll also need a syringe and at least four needles. A chicken gets 0.25 cc (ml) of penicillin a day, every day, for four days. I sterilise and re-use needles by dropping them in cold water, then boiling them, but most people will tell you not to re-use needles.

As for the wing, it does look slightly infected. I'd remove the scab, clean it, scrape it, let it bleed for a while (blood is good), and sterilise again. There's a spray commonly available at feed stores called "blu-kote.' As the name implies, it's a blue (purple?) spray. The active ingredient is ispropyl alcohol, but it sticks on the injury. Re-apply as necessary and keep that blue-kote coming.

Also, there's such a thing as a 'chicken sling.' It's not neccessary, but if you build something so that your chicken can sit upright, he'll be a happier chicken.

And good luck.
Cut his foot open with a sharp, sterilised scalpel or knife (I use an old filleting knife), get rid of the pus (there are tutorials around here somewhere), then sterlise everything, bandage it hard and tight, and find some penicillin.

Penicillin is less than twelve dollars for a small bottle at TSC. I'm sure there's a feed store in your area where you can get it. You'll also need a syringe and at least four needles. A chicken gets 0.25 cc (ml) of penicillin a day, every day, for four days. I sterilise and re-use needles by dropping them in cold water, then boiling them, but most people will tell you not to re-use needles.

As for the wing, it does look slightly infected. I'd remove the scab, clean it, scrape it, let it bleed for a while (blood is good), and sterilise again. There's a spray commonly available at feed stores called "blu-kote.' As the name implies, it's a blue (purple?) spray. The active ingredient is ispropyl alcohol, but it sticks on the injury. Re-apply as necessary and keep that blue-kote coming.

Also, there's such a thing as a 'chicken sling.' It's not neccessary, but if you build something so that your chicken can sit upright, he'll be a happier chicken.

And good luck.

Hi there thank you for the reply. Did you begin the tread from the beginning?

We're very familiar and comfortable with the care of our birds and have some experience with bumble foot and other injuries. We also keep blu-kote on hand at all times. We do have syringes but haven't gotten penicillin as I thought it was on the list of pulled antibiotics.

The problem we are having is we did perform bumblefoot surgery(twice) and found no infection. We also have been treating it as such but yesterday it appeared he may have a broken leg but I wasn't sure if it was a trick of the swelling or not. The swelling in his wing and subsequent infection just became noticeable yesterday as well. As we hold him up for foot soaks with our hands right there I was amazed we missed it.

He is also still able to stand and is quite happy. Although I have been considering making a sling for him due to his possible broken leg I decided to wait until I get some opinions on if it is indeed broken.

He's clearly been in better shape but we will continue to treat and to ask for advice. If you'd like to take another look at this thread from the beginning and weigh in I'd welcome your opinion. Thank you :)

He continues to eat and drink and talk to us but is still not crowing. He did also seems slightly more peppy again today and was not as thrilled with his bandaging procedures. Although he did inevitably fall asleep on our coffee table lol and was rather hard to wake.
Poor little roo. I can't say that I've ever seen that, but the color & puss makes me think infection. I believe some antibiotics will be more effective on specific infections than others. I wish I knew more and could help.

...and the hugs for you. I know how much you love your pets and how worried you are right now.
Poor little roo. I can't say that I've ever seen that, but the color & puss makes me think infection. I believe some antibiotics will be more effective on specific infections than others. I wish I knew more and could help.

...and the hugs for you. I know how much you love your pets and how worried you are right now.

You're up late. :) Thanks for the hug and the support. Yes I feel so badly for him. I wish he didn't have the black silkie skin so we could see what count on better.

He's such a dear sweet little boy. We did splint his leg tonight on the off chance it is broken.
Have you read this:
* Just trying to brainstorm & throw out more ideas to look into.

"Adult Birds:
2.1 Bumblefoot
2.2 Mycoplasma Synoviae - seems like similar symptoms but I think you'd see more than one bird affected.
2.3 Scaley Leg Mites
2.4 Trimming Toe Nails
2.5 Trimming Rooster Spurs
2.6 Gout
2.7 Sprains, Strains and Breaks
2.8 Giving Pain Killers

2.9 Frost Bite
2.10 Mareks
2.11 Closing Statement "

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